Well I never!



To be sure. I’m sure they were glad.


It’s when they send men ashore that they really have to worry about. That’s when men with .45’s poke the barrel into a hole you’re hiding in and empty the magazine. Worse yet, a flame thrower.

I love this, some WALT writing about war as if he has a scooby. I could feel in some way bitter to this fool, but I just feel sorry.


What was it again? some lakeside jaunt or something, can just see the marines eating cucumber sandwichs by the lake…

Yeah man war is hell, send in the Air Strike, pass me another ice cold bottle of pish, I mean a bud.

First hand experience?

give me a break IRONMAN!


On which occasions have you deployed alongside other nations’ troops as part of the US Forces?

I’m not being anti-American here. I got on very well with the US troops I worked with in the past, and am sure I will continue to do so in the future.

However, your assertion that the US are the best trained and most professional doesn’t really bear close inspection based on my personal, first-hand experience.

Certainly the best equipped, and well meaning and well trained in the majority but there are too many in your forces at JNCO level who seem to think that war is a game. It isn’t.

I have to disagree with the perceived opinions about your chefs though. I think they are great, although I’m a bit of a bloater myself so perhaps I just like the fact that there was an unlimited supply of food (esp. pancakes and eggy bread for brekkie!)

Do you also think you deserve that award medal IRONMAN ?

What medal is it? It says Bronze star on the properties, but I thought it was a site medal.

I think its the site loyalty medal.

This is in its properties


Maybe its his dads Korean one?

Checked the awards section thread, it’s the Loyal Member medal apparently:

Well he is back - so he is Loyal!

I thought it was the loyal member one. Wonder who recommended him for that one?

I know ill go and find out.

Editted to add it was FW-190

Well being as he has stuck with the site despite being shown about a million times to be a complete fool he does seem rather loyal. A lesser man would have taken the hint and run away crying months ago!

You are entitled to your opinion. However, asserting that people in the US military think war is a game is simply dufus. Nobody in the US military thinks war is a game. How could anyone think such? I mean, really now. War a game? Putting your life on the line is a game to them? Shooting at and being shot at by people is a game to them? Ducking from SMG fire is a game? Having your buddy blown into the eair and into peices by a bomb is a game to them?

Really now. If you actually think anyone in the US military thinks going to war is a game, then you have been duped by someone spouting ass-cheeze, or you just don’t have enough sence to think for yourself.

Here we go for todays fun then. :twisted:

When will you realise that the people talking to you have more experience of the US Army than you do?


I mean, really now. War a game?

Well that is your only experience of the military isn’t it?


I have worked with the fol. US units. Forgive me if I have their seniorities incorrect. I don’t have the seniority list for US Forces to hand:

US Navy
10th (Mountain) Div
82nd Airborne
101st Airborne
A Fd Gun Bty I can’t remember the designation of
Some LOs
Various exchange officers
Dakota NG

Which have you worked with?

I stand by my assertion that some of them think training and combat are a game. I’ve been there and seen them.

Tell me more about your service?

Kind regards


No you don’t. But you do want me to believe that you think so. Worse yet, you want others to think so. :wink: