Well I never!

Why? Are we all a part of some major plot to bring down the US government by making the users of a small web forum believe that some members of the US Armed Forces are not always 100% professional?

No you don’t. But you do want me to believe that you think so. Worse yet, you want others to think so. :wink:[/quote]

How can you know what is in his mind, after all it is his opinion based on experience? Isnt this what you are arguing about with others? You seem to keep banging on about your opinions of the US based on experience, so what is wrong with allowing others the same?

It’s sad that you want to do nothing but criticize the US and it’s military. Millions pity the likes of you. Truly. You are the clowns of your nation.

Why is it that such a large percentage of your posts is in some way critical of the US. Why is it that you cannot discuss other things without continuously resorting to America bashing? Why are you so torn inside that you must do so very much of it. Read your posts in this thread alone. Don’t you find it shameful that you have such a compulsion to do it? What is your rationale for it? Why do you exert so much of your time and energy bashing the US on the Internet instead of spending time with family and friends?

I fear the answer to those questions requires a psychiatrist and even more of your time to determine the true reasoning behind your pitiful behavior. Perhaps daddy abandoned you at a young age. maybe mommy was abusive, or your siblings mistreated you and despised you. Perhaps you have simply failed at everytthing else in life and feel that bashing America fills the emptiness temprorarily, like your warm beer dulls the pain for a while.

Whatever your ills, you should try harder to overcome them. If you could learn to discharge them, you would experience a new life - one of relief, a renewed sence of self, a feeling of actually being a part of the world, instead of the dull, cold world you live in when you look at your monitor and then out your window at the real world, then turning back to your PC and going to the cooler for another can of novacain.

Give it a try guys. Life is too short to live in pain. There is hope if you take the 1st steps toward healing your souls.


I’ve said in earlier posts, and will say again in this one, I think highly of the US Forces I’ve worked with. They were all friendly, ready to help, ready to be helped when the need arose and generally nice folk all round.

However, some of them, particularly some JNCOs and one or two junior officers (note “some”, not all, or even a majority) seemed to think that combat is a sport and not a deadly serious event.

I had the absolute pleasure of doing an advance-to-contact and OBUA ex. with a USMC NGS team who were attached to my group. Fine men, one and all. I was going to make a cheap point and say their Sgt was from Glasgow and ex-UK Forces but I won’t. That wasn’t why they were a great team. They were great because, even though an exercise, they did it like it was for real.

Some of the other units I have worked with from the US have not had that same attitude, which has been seen in the results they have achieved. Personal experience at work here. Not something I’ve read about in a book or newspaper. Actually done. Been on the ground. Shared MRE’s with.

I’ll ask you again.

What practical, actual, real-and-not-playing-a-computer-game experience do you have of working with US Forces?

If you have less experience than I and many of the other posters here seem to, perhaps you’ll have the good grace not to tell me what I think.

Kind regards


You will find dorks like that in every military. So because you met 3 or 4 idots, you have assumed that the US military is full of such idiots? Do you also assume that such idiots do not exist in the armies of other countries? Either you are gullible beyond reason or trying to assert that the US military is full of idiots who think war is a game because you have been convinced of it by Europeans.

Your contention is either hatefulness or stupidity. I cannot tell which.


I have not been convinced by other Europeans.

I am working from the evidence of my personal, real, actual experience.

I know there are fools in any nation’s forces. I’ve worked with some. Perhaps I am one.

Having worked with the Armies of many nations it seems, in my experience over 20 years, that there have been a higher proportion of folk in the US Forces who have a less-than-professional attitude than other units.

The actual trained skills of the US Forces are often superior to other armies, but skill and attitude are both important.

You seem to speak from experience about your Forces and those of other nations. Which major units have you worked with?

Kind regards


I cnat be bothered to trawl it up - does anyone else read militaryphotos.net It has a home video from the USMC in Iraq in which each member of the squad says “its like a game” they show some footage of Iraqi Street fighting etc then repeat the exact same manoever on “Counterstrike” or “GTA San andreas”

It was on there back in March sometime you dont “have” to believe me, but I saw it and that helped form my opinion of the USMC - at about the same time, ththe British forces were sending out a video of a man called “lucky pierre” wandering around in Y fronts. Singing a merry old tune!

Oh brother…you are forming an opinion of the US Marine corp. on a home video ? Sure we have some young kids in the Corp. with little or no experience but our marines are kick ass. The sad thing is we are fighting with our hands tied…worried about what people think.

A USMC trooper - rating - Private - Fuckwit.

Made a home movie,
He chose to make a gratuitous immature unproffesional video in hios spare time.
He Chose to publish an immature unproffesional and Gratuitous video on the world wide web.

I therefore conclude that his conduct is immature and unprofessional.
Deal with it.

Fighting with our hands tied? worried about what people think?
These “binds” that limit your abilities wouldnt happen to be interantionally vetoed and accepted rules of conflict now would they?
Would you like to abandon these?
As soon as the rule of Armed conflict is ignored by us, the Defenders of what is right and good (no time to debate that so Shut up) then every single Insurgent - Enemy - Terrorist and opponent of our forces will ahve a carte Blanche to take us to the International court of humn rights in the Hague, What is more is that every single one of those parties we ever fight will be able to cite precedent and walk free from any case that we bring against them.

Fighting with our hands tied? YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA

Bluff the US has not signed up to the convention (the correct title escapes me) unlike the UK.

Im not solely referring to:
The UN convention on human rights,
Nor the landmines convention
nor the Geneva convention,
nor the Hague Convetion,
nor the combined amendments to each of those.

What I mean to drill into the head of mister - Why cant we nail every fucker with a suspcious package that approaches my VCP -Mike, is that you cannot abandon the opinions of those observing the conflict (lets call them UN observers) for the sake of making the job easier.

Ive not been to war nd not had to make the call, but Im inclined to believe that whatever “rules” are binding my hands, have been put in place for a reason, and a reason much too important for me or anyone else to fiddle with and amend.

But one requires the rule of law and as most US soldiers and politician feel that they are not bound by it if he other side does not follow it, the belief that they can do as they like will continue.

What was the most senior rank of those charged with the Abu Grade fiasco?

Why are prisoners held in Cuba and not mainland US?

Good Lord. Listen to the Thug Club.

Are you masturbating while you criticize America? :lol:

Try if you dare, to explain why every thread that you post in turns into loads of criticism about America? 8)



sorry I agree with your post but was confused by the conjunction. Are we agreed that these “binds” are amongst our greatest assets if we want to remain unsullied and in doing so blameless.

Alternatively we could break the rules and be equal to those that we seek to apprehend.

Mike - where are you you great clown? :smiley:

I honestly have no problem with you Mike, so Im not going to flame you (That is what IRONMAN is for)

The thing that really annoys me about Guantanamo is that the US could have handled the entire thing nice and legally without much trouble. The Geneva convention explicitly provides for finding people to be illegal combatants (it doesn’t use the language, but does state that a “competent tribunal” is entitled to rule that a prisoner is not entitled to the protections of the Geneva Convention). In a very large fraction of the cases, they could simply have had this competent tribunal and then legally locked the prisoners up and thrown away the key. Such prisoners have very few rights indeed (and they mainly come from US law acting on the captors - torture being illegal, etc.).
Instead they simply had to issue a press release stating that the detainees were “illegal combatants” and so not protected by the Geneva conventions. That was just dumb, IMHO.

:roll: How sad.

No you are sad.

And I can’t even be bothered to tell you why.

The thing that really annoys me about Guantanamo is that the US could have handled the entire thing nice and legally without much trouble. The Geneva convention explicitly provides for finding people to be illegal combatants (it doesn’t use the language, but does state that a “competent tribunal” is entitled to rule that a prisoner is not entitled to the protections of the Geneva Convention). In a very large fraction of the cases, they could simply have had this competent tribunal and then legally locked the prisoners up and thrown away the key. Such prisoners have very few rights indeed (and they mainly come from US law acting on the captors - torture being illegal, etc.).
Instead they simply had to issue a press release stating that the detainees were “illegal combatants” and so not protected by the Geneva conventions. That was just dumb, IMHO.[/quote]

One of the problems with Guantanamo is that many of the procedures adopted by the US are normal in US prisons. Europe has a different perception in the treatment of prisoners and a picture of shackled inmates is not the norm in Europe. The overalls are also normal prison dress in many US prisons so are seen as acceptable to US eyes.


We invented concentration camps FFS.
We sent the Cossacks back to Stalin.
We encouraged Tito to control the Balkans,
We funded secret wars in Africa to install puppet states,
We were in support of Rhodesia for exactly the smae thing we criticsed south africa for.
We backed terrorist groups in Eastern Asia in order to further our political will.

I can at leat source these claims and I accept them, it doesnt make me any less aptriotic for the fact that they happened, and if anyone were to criticise my ocuntry for these misdemeanours I would nod and agree that yes we had done those things but that - Sod it, the job needed to be done it has been done its in the past nad lets not do it again.

We are not bashing America. Show us an anti American comment that cropped up before you re-appeared.

Why were you banned again, do you want to be banned again?


:roll: How sad.