Well I never!

You forgot that we also gave Israel nuclear weapons info before the US.

:roll: How sad.[/quote]

please edit and correct you have got it wrong again. :roll:


:roll: How sad.


IRONMAN, I really hope you are only this gobby on the Internet, or that you weight about 130 pounds of pure muscle, because if you weight anything less than about 129 I would be so fucking tempted to introduce your epiglotis to your front teeth!

and thats not being gobby thats just an honest appraisal of how much Id like to see you bleed.

:roll: How sad.


Why is it sad, it defends the US’s treatment of prisoners and explains why Europe has a different view.

edited to add no you have not edited you original.

:roll: How sad.


Why is it sad, it defends the US’s treatment of prisoners and explains why Europe has a different view.[/quote]

Are you defending the way the British have tortured Iraqi prisoners or just bashing America for having a few assholes that have doen it too?


Are you defending the way the British have tortured Iraqi prisoners or just bashing America for having a few assholes that have doen it too?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but weren’t the only pictures of British troops torturing “Iraqi’s” proved to have been taken in a vehicle which had never left northern England? :? IIRC, some TA Soldiers (reservists to you) were prosecuted for setting up the little photo story with the aid of an olive skinned friend.

fuck off




we know our failures so there is no need to drage it out, I could if I so chose list more atrociites commited by our forces than you can count (using your fingers that is 12)

why is the mention of misdemeanours so painful for you?

Dont answer that


No I was explaining why I think the US has treated the prisoners.

Please explain to me how I criticised the US in its dealing in Cupa?

Are you defending the way the British have tortured Iraqi prisoners

And were did this come from?

and you still haven’t edited your original post.

No im not defending the way we treat our prisoners, I cannot see where you got the idea that we were either.
HMG is not defending the perpetrators either hence they are on trial or have been court martialled.
This is differnet to camp X-RAY (fucking dram queens)
where the US govt is leading the programme.

You prove my point…if someone does not agree with you you start calling names. You should be very proud of your debating skills, NOT… :?

I called you a cunt because frankly Id call anyone a cunt that thought we should do away with certain checks and measures in armed conflict.

I called you a “great clown” that is not offensive. Im Joshing with you hence the smiley.

I went on to say directly below the “great clown” comment that I had no porblem at all with you. Puuulllleeeeezzz do not get into selctive editting and paranoid tendencies - we already have one.

You prove my point…if someone does not agree with you you start calling names. You should be very proud of your debating skills, NOT… :?[/quote]

As mentioned, we there are acres and acres of virtual ‘page’ given over to fruitless informed debate with Ironman, who has refused to see sense on some ridiculous assertions. For example, he told us that the M16, being an assault rifle, was ineffective beyond 400m. Unfortunately, Mr Colt’s website said otherwise (and they do make the darn thing!), but he still told us we were all wrong and it was all an anti-American conspiracy.

Personally, I can see why Bluffcove has finally resorted to swearing at him. He’s an idiot and a troll.

You prove my point…if someone does not agree with you you start calling names. You should be very proud of your debating skills, NOT… :?[/quote]

My mistake, he was calling you a cunt!

Well, the great clown is clearly humorous, and I personally would take the “cunt” that way too. British/American humour not translating perhaps?

As to the ‘gloves off’ thing, this seems to be a feature of the US Armed forces…“If only we could have nuked China, If only we could have invaded North Korea, If only, If only, If only the ‘gloves’ could come off…we could put all of them in camps and gas them.” At least, that is where the train of thought seems to lead as far as I can see.

“Finally resorted”?

No I just hate him ever since he cut into the education of Erwin*.
and accused us of hiding behind Gurkhas Ive hated him.

That’s not the story that’s in all the press.

Well now that’s what I say. But you seem to think only the US does and britain doesn’t, and that Chosin was not the most vicious battle in modern warfare, and this that and the other just because I said it. Bluffcove, you have no spine my boy.

Mike M, if you go back through some of the threads you will find a heated disscusion on Heart and Minds in Iraq that mentions ROE and their importance for Opps in an urban environment.
ROE govern the work undertaken by military forces and faiure to follow them may lead to criminal prosocution.
Iraq has now become a anti- terrorist action, with often no clearly defined enemy. If you start slotting people willy nilly because you suspect them of being a terrorist then you do the terrorists job for them and every mistake you make swells the ranks of the your enemy.
FYI having spent some time working in the US I am aware that the word cunt is still a bit of a social taboo however it’s no big deal in the UK and is the word ( with the prefix " you feking") my wife is most likely to use on my return from from a shopping trip with beer but no Dargeeling but then thats marriage for you.

Maybe It’s just me but has anyone noticed that Gameboy,oops Ironman is obsessed with a particular battle and brings it up at any and all opportunity. My dad served in Korea (RA) amongst others and my wife’s uncle was at the Hook (Kng Reg) but they dont bang on about it as they both have a life.

The british people supported iraq at first. But now they don’t. My questions are:

Why are they so wishy-washy?

Why do they support the war, then bitch at the US for fighting it, when they are fighting it too?

Why are they such hypocrites?