Well I never!

He asked me aquestion about it and I answered it, then the Brit Thug Club jumped me and claimed my answer was untrue.

There you go. The truth shall set you free. Now stop being a whiner.

Yes the truth that your father had a defining moment in his life that you lack hence your banging on about your dad due to your own inadaquecy.

Next time you post something ridiculous IRONMAN save yourself the embaressment and delete it before anyone sees. 8)

By the way Erwin, i found your signature quite funny :lol: where did you get the picture from?

from the ARRSEhole! :smiley:


The british people supported iraq at first. But now they don’t. My questions are:

It was war, the boys were off to do or die (which you never have) and they got behind us.

Why are they so wishy-washy?

Eh? Why do we not smell? Because we use an invention called the Bath or the Shower to wash ourselves.

Why do they support the war, then bitch at the US for fighting it, when they are fighting it too?

Many support the lads fighting the war, but there is alot in our papers about why we went to war.

Bush and Bliar were instrumental in deciding to go to war, therefore if there is any thing fishy about the descison they get the blame.

It is called free speech we invented that concept, before your country even raised its own flag.

Why are they such hypocrites?

That’s democracy for you.


That’s not the story that’s in all the press.

Well, it is the story here

This is the apology printed by the paper that printed the fake phots.

15 May 2004
VOICE OF THE MIRROR: Iraqi PoW abuse pictures handed to us WERE fake
Hoaxes: Minister Adam Ingram
IT is now clear that the photographs the Mirror published of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi prisoner were fakes.

The evidence against them is not strong enough to convict in a court but that is not the burden of proof the Daily Mirror demands of itself.

Our mission is to tell the truth.

That is something this newspaper has been doing for more than 100 years and will always strive to do. If ever we fail, we are letting down the people who mean most to us. Our readers.


So to you today we apologise for publishing pictures which we now believe were not genuine.

We also say sorry to the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment and our Army in Iraq for publishing those pictures.

The Daily Mirror printed the photographs in good faith. We absolutely believed they were what we were told they were, otherwise we would never have printed them.

They provided pictorial evidence of a shocking story of abuse, given to us by two soldiers from the QLR.

Since then, four others have told similar stories. Not only has no evidence been produced to disprove what they said, but the thrust of their allegations has been confirmed by the Red Cross and Amnesty International. But that does not excuse the publication of those photographs. We were the victims of a hoax. And that led to us hoaxing our readers.

Many people - especially those who serve in the Queen’s Lancashire Regiment - will delight in the Mirror’s apology over the hoax pictures.

Others will regret that serious allegations of abuse by members of the British Army in Iraq have been diminished by the furore over the pictures. The Mirror’s admission that the photographs were not genuine must not allow the Ministry of Defence to avoid dealing with the real issue.

The Prime Minister, Defence Secretary and Armed Forces Minister have claimed that our photos were hoaxes. They have been vindicated.

But they have also insisted that there was no abuse which has not been dealt with and that is simply not true.

Just as the Government turned its considerable firepower on the BBC when Dr David Kelly died, so it has done the same to the Mirror over the allegations of abuse.

It is not an honourable way to behave and is leading to growing disenchantment among the British people.

The one thing on which all sides agree, and from which the Mirror has never deviated, is admiration for our armed forces and the remarkable job they are once again doing. They are the envy of the world and their reputation for courage and honour is unrivalled.

A few rotten apples will not sully their good name as long as they are rooted out. That is what the Mirror hoped to achieve with these stories.

The hoax photographs are a sad episode in our long and distinguished history. It is now behind us.

We look forward to a future in which we continue to serve our readers in truth and honesty.

Judge for yourself here are the phots.


On what personal,operational experience are you basing your judgements of the US and other forces?

Incidentally, in reply to an earlier post, some of us thought going to war in Iraq the second time around was a bloody silly idea, and some of us saw it as a first step to removing an awful dictator. Whatever we may have thought or still think about the politicians and their decisions to take us to war, the UK realises its troops are doing their job and supports them. It may not support the war, but it does support it’s forces.

When the US wants help, mainly for political reasons (you have enough troops, you don’t NEED us there) we turn up.

Always have, always will (qualified with a “in the last 200 years”).

Hasn’t always been the other way round though, has it?

How do you square this with accusations of an anti-US attitude from us?

Do you think all Europeans are the same? Surely you realise whatever political grandstanding Chirac may be doing, if the chips were down even the French would be there fighting alongside the US, the UK and the rest of the free World.

Roughly where would you be at this stage? In the trenches alongside me and many of the “British Thug Team” or sat at home watching it on TV?

Kind regards


1,000,000 people marching through London on a ‘Stop the War’ demonstration would say that a hell of a lot of Brits didn’t agree with it. Personally, I never agreed with it, because it was clearly a bollocks war being fought for a lie.

Why are they so wishy-washy?

In a democracy, it’s up to the people to be as wishy washy or not as they please.

Why do they support the war, then bitch at the US for fighting it, when they are fighting it too?

Most of them never supported the war. They bitch because of the way it has been fought since the war ‘ended’ two years ago - let’s be honest, the occupation of Iraq has been a gang fuck since day one.

Why are they such hypocrites?

Again, it’s democracy for you.

You know jack shit about me idiot. :lol:

I understand if you don’t like something because it does not center upon your tinker toy world kiddo. But have enough sence to think for yourself.

Jan, you are the greatest idiot on the site. So why do you bother blathering when it only impoverishes you already bottob-of-the-batrrel intellect? You have yet to say a fucking thing that makes anyone stop to think. Are you the best intellect of your family? Are you an example of your family tree?

Why do you keep calling 1000yd Jan? Jan has the user name Walther on here.

Nice cover up. Too bad it came at the time it did and nobody believes that trash. Do you know so little about your own government as to believe that? Good Lork kid. You realy are shallow-minded, aren’t you!

I’m only asking a question. Nobody has offered an explaination other that to say that britain was supposedly sending all of it’s military elsewhere, which is not true. I just want to know whay Britain sent a handfull of men to help stop the spread of communism in Asia. Isn’t there someone who can answer that without making an excuse that has no historical merit?

The TA soldiers involved in the fake photographs admitted they were faked to get money from the Daily Mirror (they were paid £10,000 if I remember correctly). The Daily Mirror admitted their mistake, sacked their editor and printed the full page apology shown. Nothing to do with Government cover ups I’m afraid.

Actually I know a fair bit about my government. If you look at the pictures, i;ll find more when I can be bothered to, you will see that they are faked.

The “iraqi” wore y fronts and a clean t-shirt with an Iraqi flag on the front. Obviously,as you have never been to Iraq, who believe this is what an Iraqi would wear.

The weapon in use was not a L85 A2 whichis the ONLY varient in use in the theatre.

The truck it took place in the back of is a specific Bedford 4 tonne truck only used by TA units, and not used in Iraq.

The guy wears webbing and rifle at all times, despite out guards would never get that close to a prisoner with webbing or rifle. Think about that.

The picture showin gthe prisoner getting a kick inthe guts is so fake it might aswell be written onit. The body position is all wrong for someone who is scared and gteting beaten.

I look forward to your next post.

I’m only asking a question. Nobody has offered an explaination other that to say that britain was supposedly sending all of it’s military elsewhere, which is not true. I just want to know whay Britain sent a handfull of men to help stop the spread of communism in Asia. Isn’t there someone who can answer that without making an excuse that has no historical merit?

I don’t understand why stopping the war on Communism in Asia has entered this thread. Please rephrase your question. What year(s) are you talking about. Are we still discussing GW 2 or have we now moved to another conflict?

Kind regards


Come on Tubbs, you know he thinks they are the same person!