Well I never!

Come on Tubbs, you know he thinks they are the same person![/quote]

Hihiii what to say ,maybe they start call you with my name.

He is confused. :lol:

Yes Clause, he is very confused.

He is very special.

Unique the last of your kind . :lol:


Come on Tubbs, you know he thinks they are the same person![/quote]

My apologies Flash

Ironman the British has only ever not been deployed in one year, 1968. In all other years they have been commited to battle.

We sent 15,000 troops to Korea.

Yet at the same time also sent troops to the following Malayan Emergency, Aden, Suez Crisis, Indonesian Confrontation. Why don’t YOU do some research INACTIONMAN?

Here is some info on the Malayan Emergency. From ca.essortment.com/malayanemergenc_rwnt.htm

The Malayan Emergency was the only war the West won against Communism.

Many people remember Western failures like Korea and Vietnam but few nowadays recall the victory in Malaya.

It was an intense 12-year jungle war fought by the British, British Commonwealth and Malay forces against the army of the Malayan Communist Party led by Communist fanatic Chin Peng.

The violent war started in June,1948

The CT military force of around 10,000 was mainly jungle based and supported by a large spy network of Chinese who lived in towns and cities. It also relied on supplies from the many jungle fringe dwellers.

The CTs were a highly experienced jungle fighting force who had originally supported the British against the Japanese in World War 11.

Their aim was to make Malaya a Chinese Communist State.

Initially the British and Commonwealth forces were caught unprepared. Much of their jungle fighting expertise had been wound down and many of their troops were raw young inexperienced national servicemen.

Eventually the British developed new and successful jungle fighting techniques that routed the Communists.

By 1960 the previously large terrorist jungle army was defeated and reduced to a few hundred men near the Thai border. The Malay Government declared the end of the Emergency in July, 1960 - the Chinese Year of the Rat.

Another major factor was the honest and dignified manner in which the British and Commonwealth forces conducted themselves during the war. While often ruthless in combat with the Communists, the British established a friendly relationship with the general population, based on mutual respect.

It is not clear why the British called the war an “Emergency”. Some say it was done to hide the seriousness of the situation and contain its implications politically. Others say it was done so that insurance could be collected on damaged or destroyed property and goods because insurance policies would not cover wartime activities.

Hm, that will be why when Vietnam kicked off we sent people to help your army train for war in the Jungle, as did the french. We also seem to have an uncanny ability to win hearts and minds, the Americans have never been able to grasp this skill.

Edit to add.

The Malayan Emergency was the only war the West won against Communism.

Many people remember Western failures like Korea and Vietnam but few nowadays recall the victory in Malaya.

It was an intense 12-year jungle war fought by the British, British Commonwealth and Malay forces

Logic mode ON

So this was the only war against the communists that was won and the only one that the yanks didn’t participate in.

Gentlemen, Discuss…

Have GOT to post this…

From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Crisis

The Suez Crisis, also known as the Suez War or 1956 War (and more rarely as the Suez-Sinai war, 1956 Arab-Israeli War, Suez Campaign, Kadesh Operation, Operation Musketeer, or Tripartite aggression) was a war fought on Egyptian territory in 1956. The conflict pitted Egypt against an alliance between France, the United Kingdom and Israel. The alliance between the two European nations and Israel was largely one of convenience; the European nations had economic and trading interests in the Suez Canal, while Israel wanted to open the canal for Israeli shipping. When the USSR threatened to intervene on behalf of Egypt, the United States feared a larger war, and forced the British and French to withdraw. The Crisis resulted in the resignation of the British Prime Minister, Anthony Eden, and marked the completion of the shift in the global balance of power from European powers to the US and the Soviet Union.

My red, proof that America is full of lily livered girls.

Here is a very detailed link about British operations since WW2.



The TA soldiers involved in the fake photographs admitted they were faked to get money from the Daily Mirror (they were paid £10,000 if I remember correctly). The Daily Mirror admitted their mistake, sacked their editor and printed the full page apology shown. Nothing to do with Government cover ups I’m afraid.[/quote]

You’re in the wrong thread kddo. We all know about the prisoner abuses in Iraq, the rapes, the civy shootings. Stick to the topic please.

The TA soldiers involved in the fake photographs admitted they were faked to get money from the Daily Mirror (they were paid £10,000 if I remember correctly). The Daily Mirror admitted their mistake, sacked their editor and printed the full page apology shown. Nothing to do with Government cover ups I’m afraid.[/quote]

You’re in the wrong thread kddo. We all know about the prisoner abuses in Iraq, the rapes, the civy shootings. Stick to the topic please.[/quote]


You brought it up.

Well I don’t understand why when I say something you and your Thug Club buddies go after it, evensofar as to follow me from thread to thread and go after everything i say, even when i say something nicely and just add my 2 cents, like your stupid ass has a corner on the market for commentary. You’re a bonehead. :lol:

(a) You brought it up
(b) what the hell do you know about Iraq? You haven’t been to that warzone either

Yea, a handful in comparison to the US. Why so few to such an important task?


Well I don’t understand why when I say something you and your Thug Club buddies go after it, evensofar as to follow me from thread to thread and go after everything i say, even when i say something nicely and just add my 2 cents, like your stupid ass has a corner on the market for commentary. You’re a bonehead. :lol:[/quote]

TROLL POST - looking for a reaction!

The TA soldiers involved in the fake photographs admitted they were faked to get money from the Daily Mirror (they were paid £10,000 if I remember correctly). The Daily Mirror admitted their mistake, sacked their editor and printed the full page apology shown. Nothing to do with Government cover ups I’m afraid.[/quote]

You’re in the wrong thread kddo. We all know about the prisoner abuses in Iraq, the rapes, the civy shootings. Stick to the topic please.[/quote]


You brought it up.[/quote]

Firefly, you are trolling. You are following a member from thread to thread for no other reason than to post negative comments about their every comment.

Don’t be a trolling twit. Get a life.

The TA soldiers involved in the fake photographs admitted they were faked to get money from the Daily Mirror (they were paid £10,000 if I remember correctly). The Daily Mirror admitted their mistake, sacked their editor and printed the full page apology shown. Nothing to do with Government cover ups I’m afraid.[/quote]

You’re in the wrong thread kddo. We all know about the prisoner abuses in Iraq, the rapes, the civy shootings. Stick to the topic please.[/quote]


You brought it up.[/quote]

Firefly, you are trolling. You are following a member from thread to thread for no other reason than to post negative comments about their every comment.

Don’t be a trolling twit. Get a life.[/quote]

TROLL post

Again trying to get a reaction.

Please provide information in your posts to substansiate your words.

Yea, a handful in comparison to the US. Why so few to such an important task?[/quote]

Something explained to you at length elsewhere, but once again your inability to read and comprehend is astoundingly pitiful.

We counldn’t supply more troops because we were busy winning the war against communism in Malaya!!!

When did the American military win a war against communism.

Peter Turner mid 70’s works in my pub - he has never left the country apart from two tours of duty with the Scots guards in one he fought in Aden and won every firefight he entered in the second he fought Malaysian communists and also won.

He fought for the British army for 16 years and never lost a firefight or campaign during the entire cold war period!

Had a Little Drink last night - OOPS!

Yea, a handful in comparison to the US. Why so few to such an important task?[/quote]

You’ve already had it explained to you that we were fighting wars all over the world at the same time as Korea, Why didn’t the US send help for us in Malaya, Aden, Kenya, Suez Canal, Palestine, Kenya, Bornea, Radfan, Oman, Dhofar, Northern Ireland or the Falklands?