What if Nazi Germany had Created the Atomic Bomb first ?

Really, the official portraits of Hitler by various painters also showed him with black hair and dark eyes. Goebbels was also darkhaired, with dark eyes. Additionally he was very short and had a club foot. The only noticable exception I’ve heard about him from several sources was that (probably due to having grown up in the Rhineland area) he was the only leading Nazi with a sense of humour.
Goering had brown hair and blue eyes.


Jan,don´t take offense,but it´s hard to hear something fun in german :lol: :lol:

The german language is cool, the most closest language to English.
:smiley: :smiley:

no it’s not - Dutch is faaaar closer to English, Frisian is supposed to be the closest existing language, but personally I feel that Dutch is closer (I can read Dutch, and get the gist of Frisian, since it’s close to Dutch). Vocabulary-wise, French is probably closest.

The problem with English is that it’s a bastard between a Low German (of which Dutch is another type) and Norman French.

People often claim that German is very close to English, till they learn some Dutch - which, like English, didn’t undergo the High German consonant shift and sounds much much closer.

I went to a Dutch School and it was conpulsarily you learned Dutch but i went to a work expirience place instead and learned the Russian Language. :smiley: :smiley:

Anyway, sticking to the subject in mind :slight_smile: , do you know how the Russians occupied the Information and nuclear properties?
Check out this site: http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Russia/Sovwarhead.html

By the way, are the Germans a nuclear armed country, i think not, but there has been rumours of Germany at this present time are equipped with nuclear devices, but for all we know…its just a rumour, but if that would be true I think that would worry the world a bit. :lol: :lol:

Of all the countries in the world that “Might” be nuclear armed, I find Germany to be one of the lowest ranking. Its borders are stabilised, its economy is strong, its economic influence over the European Union is ppredominant it has no real reason to want to use nuclear arms. and owning them for deterrence is hardly ill advised as it evidently works.

Agreed, thats quite true and if the Germans today had a nuclear bomb and they launched it against something, which they wouldn’t, they would be crushed by… practically most of the World will chip in to stop them from repeating another War.

Dont make me play spot the difference with your posts! but yes you are right, the modern principles of mutual defence of one nation against an aggressor are now much more prevalent and supported than in past years. The idea of “nipping it in the bud” which has developed sicne recent years would prevent German or any nations global ambitions - In theory.

Giving this a bump.

on the assumption that Hitler was holding back the allies and managed to get himself some bombs as a tarting point, Who would he have targetted?

  • if possible the US?

What about Magnitogorsk or TankerGrad behind the Urals?
Stalingrad? enabling a faster advance through the caucasus to the Black sea to open his beachhead there for movement into Asia?

rather than Disussing the effect of his having them and the manner in which hisotry would have changed I would be interested ot hear peoples opinions on the manner in which they might have been used in a noffensive capacity. The only 2 bombs ever dropped in War were dropped to hasten the surrender of an already retreating enemy, How would nuclear weapons - untried and unseen be used in an offensive capacity before hte world was aware of their power and intimidated by them?

would it be a normal bombing raid but with a larger payload? as with the Enola Gay? or some other methodology, bear in mind what we know about Hitlers and Nazi tactics when it comes to grand plans and the like.

For me, its still a what if?

To really have a chance of getting nikes, the Nazis would have had to have not been anti-semitic.

Ergo, no what if at all.

Editted to say, that I would have changed Nikes to Nukes, but found it mildly humerous and thought Id leave it in.

no it’s not - Dutch is faaaar closer to English, Frisian is supposed to be the closest existing language, but personally I feel that Dutch is closer (I can read Dutch, and get the gist of Frisian, since it’s close to Dutch). Vocabulary-wise, French is probably closest.

The problem with English is that it’s a bastard between a Low German (of which Dutch is another type) and Norman French.

People often claim that German is very close to English, till they learn some Dutch - which, like English, didn’t undergo the High German consonant shift and sounds much much closer.[/quote]

I would second that. Dutch is halfway between German and English. While I can read a Dutch text easily enough, Dutch has several pronounciation traps for me, even though I’m living close to the border and have several friends in the Netherlands, whom I meet regularly.


Germany chose not to own NBC weapons. Actually posession of NBC weapons (even for the government) is a crime according to the German Military Weapons Act (Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz). But, as any industrialised country in Europe, we have the technology, material and qualified personel. If required I think that we could have nukes within a few weeks, but this would require a change of law. The same would apply to chemical or biological weapons.


A strange one for me is that I can half understand what Norweigians are saying. Being Scottish I find a lot of the terms and phrases are very similar to Scots.

Also a few German words are about the same as Scots ones, an example is licht. But I found there were a few others.

There’s some Dutch in scots dialect too - d’ye ken tha’ kerk?

wtf means that?

languague difficult as shit

It means “ken jij de kerk?”

Unless you want it in English, of course, when it means “Do you know the church?”

In German:

“Kennst Du die Kirche?”


Germany never wanted to go to War with the United Kingdom in the first place, because Hitler believed the English are part of the Aryan race aswell, same line of the Germans.
It was the English that declared War on the Germans after they took over Poland right ?, so the Germans had no choice but to face that it will be inevitable that they will fight the english.

Hardly - the UK sent Germany a conditional declaration of war. If they had promised to withdraw from Poland, there wouldn’t have been a war. I’d hardly say they had no choice in fighting the UK, given that they started the war…

The English watched them take austria in 1938 and Hitler was threatening to invade Czechoslovakia, then they went for Poland in 1939 and the British saw what was happening and declared War.