What if the Germans won the war

Re the professional jealousy, I assume you’re talking about Dr Brandt, who got sidelined by Morell.

I’m wary of a lot of the stuff put out about Hitler’s health.

Can’t think of the book (went into a Brotherhood bin about six months ago) but I remember florid accounts of Hitler’s alleged coprophagia (eating shit) and lying under a glass table while some sheila ?Eva Braun? shat on it.

If he was a genuine coprophagic, you’d think he’d dispense with the glass table. :smiley:

Wouldn’t argue it didn’t happen, quite possibly did. Might explain why he had digestive problems. :smiley:

The problem is, most of these things are speculation or claims built on slim facts.

As long as Hitler stayed sterile, I don’t care what Morell did in that area. :smiley:

Most of the claims about Hitler’s sexuality are pure fabrications and in some way designed to explain away his madness based on some form of sexual deviency.

This is why the recent claims of Hitler’s homosexuality are laughable. Hitler was a middle aged man, a product of conservative late 19th century Austria, with all the inherent fears of sexual promiscuity. Add the fact by the late 30’s he was already dispaying signs of impotency and some form of mental disorder.

I believe the only sexual ‘condition’ which may explain some of Hitler’s acts was he may well have been a voyeuristic sadist.


Puts him ahead of Himmler, who couldn’t watch SS executions.

What would you expect of Himmler, he was a failed chicken farmer because he was incapable of lopping the head off a chook!


He wasn’t any more of a paradox or hypocrite than many Nazis, such as the SA head Ernst Roehm , a mate of Hitler, who IIRC correctly was found on the Night of the Long Knives in bed with another man, despite Nazi hostility to homosexuals and despite Hitler and the rest his crew knowing for years that Roehm was a shirt lifter.

…And that he had a sexual relationship with his cousin who later committed suicide…:smiley:

Thought that was his niece

I’m not sure. I also thought it was his niece at one point but thought I had heard it was his cousin. I’ll check…

hey, just for your information, i made a similar thread, look at this if you would like to know more http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4312

if that does not work just try this one


be4 they crumble…every one would be speakin german
right now

Why? We don’t all speak Latin, or English, or French nowadays do we, so why should the Germans be any different?

if they did win they would of made everyone speak
there language…
england took half of the world now english is the main language
i think thats what the germans were aiming 4
i wouldet mind if some germans took over my world hehehe


germany only declare war on usa only after
when japan attacked peal hubour

Sorry to scare you but Germany had allready got intercontintal aircraft during the war long before 1947.I cant for the life of me remember which aircraft but by all accounts they flew to within twelve miles of new york city before turning back during a trail.

I think this is a myth and was never verified. There’s a thread around here about it…

Even if they had, what would they do when they got there? The RAF demonstrated that it took a serious effort by several hundred heavy bombers with serious scientific support and a good dose of luck to do significant damage to a city. Unless the Germans had developed nuclear weapons (and their efforts can best be summed up in the words of one of the Manhattan project engineers looking at it postwar as “who were these clowns”) then they never had a prayer of doing serious damage.

The Ju-390 was a real plane with 6 engines and the range to fly to New York and back. There is no reason to believe that one of those that were produced didn’t fly there as reported. One also flew a polar flight to Japan in 1944.

I think if Germany would have won the war quickly against the USSR like it had planned and if Britain then were forced into a peace with Germany like Hitler had wanted after Dunkirk things would have continued on Earth much the same way the cold war did with the Nazis taking the place of the Soviets, only more powerful. It may have even been a friendlier cold war. The heavy water plant would not have been attacked which means that Germany would have acquired the bomb earlier and since they already had bombers that could reach America it would have eventually meant a draw, that is if America would have started and continued with the Manhattan project.

America didn’t go to war to liberate Europe in the real WW2 so it is doubtful that they would have in an alternate outcome against a more powerful Germany. Besides, without the USSR and the other western allies to help, America alone would have been no match for Germany.

Hitler never had a desire to conquer America or the whole world anyway. In that scenario the Germans would have been the first on the moon and America, less the technology that it looted from Germany after the war, would have been far behind in rocket science and other technology and never would have caught up. The Germans would have eventually put nuclear warheads on their rockets to reach anywhere in the world and the Americans, if they eventually acquired the bomb, would have had to rely on dropping them from bombers. The Jews would have been wiped out of course which would have meant peace in the Middle East. Perhaps no one would have even ever heard of Iraq today. Or terrorists.

But in the end all empires fall and so would have the Third Reich.

Unless the Germans had developed nuclear weapons (and their efforts can best be summed up in the words of one of the Manhattan project engineers looking at it postwar as “who were these clowns”) then they never had a prayer of doing serious damage.

I have no idea if Germany was entirely on the wrong track or not but they were shipping nuclear material or technology to Japan. Another thing that is not positively known is if Japan set off a nuclear device or not before the end of the war. If they did it means Germany was on the right track.

If that doesn’t work for you how about this since this is a “what if” type of history.

What if all the Germans that worked on the Manhatten project never left Germany when they did. That would mean no A bomb built in America and more brains for Germany.