What`s your favourite german gun?

Sorry for my late reply. Thanks Panzerknacker for clarifying.

Artillerie Luger M1916 200mm long barrel and 32 shot “trommelmagazin”,

I’ve always been fascinated by the Fallschrimjägergewehr 42. I think it’s becuase it was only issued to the Fallschrimjäger. Whitch have been my favorite units for a while now.

My favoirite is maschinengewehr 42 it was the best in ww2 and was faster then the other allieds guns.

yes the MG 42 was awsome, it was THE POWER when it came to MGs, but it wasnt to outstanding for say the russian front. yes it mowed down the russians greatly but on a full auto burst, it wasted alot of ammo. when you are fighting millions of men, you want to save ammo and the MG 42, well it sprayed. the FG 42 could be used as a rifle for less enemys and a smg or a SAW, but thats pushing it, for multiple enemys.

by the way i’m new here and i’m looking forward to posting.

Please change your avatar with a ww2 related one. It’s one of our rules.

yea i did vote for the mp 44 i think it is a mean and awesome weapon all the rest of them how ever are very nice

I would have to agree with you on the MG-42. Brilliant in everyway, sort of.

ya the all round weapon thing is very appealing to me.

sorry about the avitar…

I don’t know if it’s my “favorite” weapon, but the Walther P-38 deserves a mention here, if it hasn’t been already.

Excellent, reliable pistol I gather, and used until recently in front line service with many countries.



the kar 98 doesnt get the respect it should. it had way more knock down power than the M1 grand.

The kar 98 was agreat rifle, but compared with the semiautos is poor in firepower.

The Kar shoot a heavier bullet than the Garand but a slower muzzle velocity.

‘Knock down power’ isn’t a measurable quantity unless the distance actors fly backwards in the movies is one of the parameters.

The terminal ballistics of the main rifle carts used in WWII are so similar that the target would not be aware of any difference on impact.

The Walther PP, the first really safe double action pistol.

Kal 7.65mm.

And disarmed, only with pulling downwards the triggerguard.

FJ et al:

Handle and shoot the Kar98k alongside ANY Western-allied bolt action (excluding French designs pre-MAS36) and your opinions about it being “great” will be rapidly changed. It really is terribly terribly overrated and terribly terribly poor for such an advanced industrial nation as Germany.

In wich way ?

In just about every way.

The sights are appallingly coarse, and after three or four shots in rapidfire there is so much heat haze coming off the barrel that you can hardly see the target anyway; the bolt handle is too far forward, difficult to operate, slow to operate, with a very long throw which causes you to have to move your head; the recoil is unpleasant; the muzzle blast is huge and unpleasant; the magazine is too small; the action is very dirt sensitive; the striker cocks on opening which contributes to the slowness of operation and the dirt sensitivity; the trigger is bad; checking that the chamber is clear is difficult; the rifle doesn’t point naturally; and in general the whole thing is clunky and unnatural to operate.

Will that do you?

<Ironman>Holy freaking Guano, Batboy! You mean the M1 Carbine was as powerful as all the other rifles after all?</Ironman>

Jesus, well I have to accept your opinion because Idont no particular with this rifle …only with a M1909, but honestly it seems tood bad to be real…the only thing I fully agree is the recoil and muzzle blast wich are indeed quiet large.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Cheers for that Pdf !

(Although for the benefit of Tinwalt who while he reads this page is unable to comment, the pertinent phrase is “main rifle carts”)