Where is Erwin???

It’s not, it’s funny. I’ve never seen an apparent grown up act like such a child in so many different threads before. If he doesn’t want to be ‘used’ like that, then maybe he should learn to act his age?

Then all he has to do is press the button to go back to the main forum - if he didn’t bite so much, we wouldn’t get so much entertainment from him.[/quote]

That’s exactly the problem, you’re using Erwin’s temper for your own enjoyment, that’s sick :evil:[/quote]

You know, I actually agree. I have gradually come to believe that some members only come here to bait others. I dont think BDL is one of those though. He contributes a lot here. But others seem only to post on the Malvinas or anything to get that bite. It seems that since Ironman has gone the new target must be Argentina.

They know that Invincible wasnt sunk and that they lost the war. And to be frank, the British members here are just as guilty of being sucked into the wild claims of the Argentinians who come here to bait them.

At times I find it interesting, but sadly, its fast becoming all there is here.

It’s not, it’s funny. I’ve never seen an apparent grown up act like such a child in so many different threads before. If he doesn’t want to be ‘used’ like that, then maybe he should learn to act his age?[/quote]
i act like a man of 21 fatboy,also richardcove acts younger than me,and he is 21 too.
why don’t you say that he does that too if it is true?

oh,he is your friend.

you are playing with my temper :evil: .
i abandoned the commandos because i was going crazy of that coldness,luckily,im the normal human again now.

There’s been limited room to post ‘on-topic’. Most of the new posts are either Argentinian crap about how they really own the Falklands or ‘ok, cool’, ‘nice post’, ‘My favourite gun is the spitfiore its better than Stalin’.

I confess to having done a little therapeutic baiting. I couldn’t resist any more, especially after Erwin reacted to the Monty Python hamster and elderberries line so dramatically.

Erwin - how do insults aid a discussion about the past and present weapons systems of our countries?

Please stop using “gay” as an insult BTW. It’s not a nice thing to do.

you always make the things of britain,more than i argentinize the forum.

the favourite american insignia of 1000ydstare is from britain :lol:

you always make the things of britain,more than i argentinize the forum.

the favourite american insignia of 1000ydstare is from britain :lol:[/quote]

Erwin please don’t post when you’ve had more than two spritzers as it makes you bite at things you have no knowledge of and even more incomprehensible than when you’re Arkantos.

Are you insuniating that Erwin is Arkantos? If you are, hate to prove you wrong but he isn’t. If he was, he’d have been banned for making another account to bypass a ban.

Erwin please don’t post when you’ve had more than two spritzers as it makes you bite at things you have no knowledge of and even more incomprehensible than when you’re Arkantos.[/quote]
Im not arkantos,are you stupid?

i had an msn conversation with him and alexclarke and stoatman.
ask them,im not going to make it public cos i will get a warning.

also we can chat together if you give me your msn.
i was connected when arkantos was,he has a different ip.
he was when i was having relax for 3 days.
also the relation with my girl cannot be less than an hour a day,i spend a lot of time here,but they have different times.


Of course you can always set up a diffrent account on another PC that would have a new IP?

All Libraries here have free internet access, is it the same in Argentina?

Free? :lol: ,this is argentina,nothing is free.
you have to pay for use the internet.
but it is 0,50 cents of dollar the hour,who can’t pay that?

also the relation with my girl cannot be less than an hour a day,i spend a lot of time here,but they have different times.

And now for ze Loff Maeking.
we will copulate for exactly forty fife minitz zen ve shall coodle for 10 minutes, I shall shower for five and youchall have made ze bed and ze morning coffe for when I get back!

Only Vun hour DO you underschtant!

So then what would stop us all from going out and making second accounts? Why would Erwin want a new account? what motive would he have?

Free? :lol: ,this is argentina,nothing is free.
you have to pay for use the internet.
but it is 0,50 cents of dollar the hour,who can’t pay that?[/quote]

My local, provincial Library has 20 interent terminals all free.

I see one Uk pound will buy 5 Argentinian Pesos.

What is the average Argentinian wage?

i understand.

i wasn’t talking about copulating :oops: (only :twisted: ),i also was talking about having good time,you had a girl,you know

So then what would stop us all from going out and making second accounts? Why would Erwin want a new account? what motive would he have?[/quote]

i have no idea, but some mad people do it all the time. This is not the onle forum I have contact with and I have seen it before, the only way to spot them is the pattern of words. Even then, if they are very clever its hard to spot.

Mad people do mad things. Im not saying Erwin did, but others do.

Are you insuniating that Erwin is Arkantos? If you are, hate to prove you wrong but he isn’t. If he was, he’d have been banned for making another account to bypass a ban.[/quote]

Hate to prove you wrong …?

  1. The software for hiding/changing IPs is freely available on the net.
  2. Another loc, (eg at a university, internet cafes, etc.), will get you another IP.
  3. Opening another window will make you two voices in one MSN conversation.

Ask me another.

Free? :lol: ,this is argentina,nothing is free.
you have to pay for use the internet.
but it is 0,50 cents of dollar the hour,who can’t pay that?[/quote]

My local, provincial Library has 20 interent terminals all free.

I see one Uk pound will buy 5 Argentinian Pesos.

What is the average Argentinian wage?[/quote]
yes,but the things here cost lots of pesos!,more than the number of pounds you waste in uk sometimes.

whas is wage?

Free? :lol: ,this is argentina,nothing is free.
you have to pay for use the internet.
but it is 0,50 cents of dollar the hour,who can’t pay that?[/quote]

My local, provincial Library has 20 interent terminals all free.

I see one Uk pound will buy 5 Argentinian Pesos.

What is the average Argentinian wage?[/quote]
yes,but the things here cost lots of pesos!,more than the number of pounds you waste in uk sometimes.

whas is wage?[/quote]

wage is earnings.

How many pesos does an Argentininian earn in a month?

Probably varies by profession, as it does here.