Who hates France / Frenchs ?

The USA have never been the national state. It has been the state of immigrants, it has been built on other principles and under other conditions in contrast to European states. Americans did not create even their language. About what American nation we can talk?
American identity does not fit the notion of a nation it is just a melting pot.


You write your script as you go along, did you come on here to pass time while the strike was on?

If so you can go back to work now, it’s over.

Whose language are they speaking, then?

How inventive and to the point. Though it is your style.

I speak the language of my ancestors. We did not change it for English.

Aha ha ha ha:)
Good one Kato.
Although i do not support your biased race prejudices toward Negros.
( what you hate them for?Is here in Ukraine a lot of Negros who live only by crimes ?:slight_smile:
How many did you see the Negros in Kiev last year?
And you try to prove for the Brits , who see the Negros every day, how low the negros black-race heritage is.
Sure the Negroes play the very importaint role in western crime life.( if not to say - the leading role).
BTW according the crime reports of Moscow Milicia - the most of crimes in capital has been commited by the caucasians- however this is not a point to tell about their race inferiority, right?

Kato, if you will continue to insult the members( especially gentle Bravo) - it would have finished for you very badly very soon.You could be fully banned here.
Am i right pdf?:slight_smile:

Hey man - I’ve always had style! :cool:

Are you saying that you’re in-bred? :confused:

What you fail to appreciate, my friend, is that the Yankees, the Ozzies, the Kiwis, the Jamaicans, the Canadians and many more are all a part of our extended family(‘our’ being we English). Some are closer cousins than others, and some mistake the girlie game of Rounders for cricket and medieval jousting for rugby - even the Irish play cricket and rugby - but at heart we’re all a part of a shared history.

Where as you, now - you’re Johnny foreigner!
You cannot possibly be accepted into our special brotherhood without being sponsored by someone whom we would consider respectable.

It wasn’t that long ago that your ancestors were still dragging ploughs about. If it wasn’t for Lenin and his successors, you wouldn’t have had that education that you flaunt so proudly. Why do you flaunt it? Because you have nothing else to boast of other than serfdom.

So, you can take your white supremisist ballocks back to the fields. Now don’t forget, keep knocking those rocks together and one day you’ll make fire.

Sorry, Chevan, I don’t include you in the above. You have special dispensation as you remind me of my Bessie-mate at school whose parents were from Kiev. :smiley:

It would if you met him.

Ummm… what gives you that idea? Wherever we have records, from Pharoah onwards Africa has been one giant war zone. Central africa tended to have smaller armies, simply because the climate would kill off big armies. Mover further south however and you meet the likes of the Zulus, who rather competently exterminated a British army equipped with breech-loading rifles at Isandlhwana.

Uh huh. So what level of variation means that the race as a whole are all geniuses compared to everyone else, yet means all national subgroups within the race are roughly as capable? You’re painting yourself into a corner here…

Any other areas. When it comes to things like electronics - military or civilian - or even such simple things as food, the Soviet Union was a long way behind. Their general approach was to have a military that could match the US as well as a few propaganda successes internationally (space, athletics, that sort of thing) and hide the rest. The whole country was little more than a Potemkin village.

Giggles. The Russians only entered the Napoleonic wars because the British bribed them to (ever heard of the Cavalry of St. George?), and only occupied Paris after Napoleon’s army had been routed at a little scuffle between it and a combined British/Dutch/German army at a place named Waterloo. The Grande Armee certainly was destroyed in Russia, but all the accounts I’ve read emphasise that it collapsed under the failure of it’s own logistics and equipment rather than Russian military pressure. There were some significant battles (Borodino, etc.) but none really critical to the outcome of the campaign.

Close to it, although they were important early on. For instance in the 1950s the British provided something like 20% of NATO’s nuclear capability, and indeed would have been the first bombers to hit Russia. Over time that decayed though - by 1980 the British for instance could only provide a single Corps to NATO and some Atlantic convoy escorts. Places like New Zealand have never really been important.

Errr… you’ve got a very strange idea of society. I think your bacofoil beanie may need adjusting. No western society pays welfare differently to people of any different race, nor do they allocated different punishments.

More a case of counting heads - it was one long low-key civil war from then onwards. Ever hear of Tamerlane?

Oh. It is the top of your mental activities for several hours.

I hope not, he is rather entertaining. :smiley:

He should get out more; do some travelling; enjoy the company of some educated and cultured ladies of a different ethnicity. Then he would understand the world he lives in far better.

This is very disputable pdf.
The USSR was never long way behind of West ( And especially Britain after the WW2:)
True the American Giant investition into electronic and computers ( as well as in the Military researches)made its work good.
The USA was in the head of the world electronic progress.
But soviets in fact never laged critically with electronics ( the military doctrine demanded to support certain level )
Beside for you to know - you could not fly into space without more or less serious computers though.
But exactly in electronic field- soviet science was most effective:) They had the relatively small investitions - the more simple way was to steal the American datas and technologies with KGB intelligence:)
This worked enough good for decades.
BTW the Chinas make the same today:)
And again this work perfectly.

Giggles. The Russians only entered the Napoleonic wars because the British bribed them to (ever heard of the Cavalry of St. George?), and only occupied Paris after Napoleon’s army had been routed at a little scuffle between it and a combined British/Dutch/German army at a place named Waterloo. The Grande Armee certainly was destroyed in Russia, but all the accounts I’ve read emphasise that it collapsed under the failure of it’s own logistics and equipment rather than Russian military pressure. There were some significant battles (Borodino, etc.) but none really critical to the outcome of the campaign.

And now you fall down till the primitive Nazy’s generals justification of failure of Barbarossa in the 1941:)
This was a Russian General Winter who have beaten the Napoleons and GErmans:)

He can’t enjoy the company of different ethnicity. :slight_smile: Simply coz there is no Negros in Ukraine:)
He saw it only on TV. And he sure that the Negroes are ONLY the single World Evil Race in planet:)

[QUOTE=pdf27;119002]It would if you met him.

Ummm… what gives you that idea? Wherever we have records, from Pharoah onwards Africa has been one giant war zone. Central africa tended to have smaller armies, simply because the climate would kill off big armies. Mover further south however and you meet the likes of the Zulus, who rather competently exterminated a British army equipped with breech-loading rifles at Isandlhwana.

Central africa had no military organization at all. Egypt waged wars against non-black nomads and states. Egypy was not the state of Negroids.

Uh huh. So what level of variation means that the race as a whole are all geniuses compared to everyone else, yet means all national subgroups within the race are roughly as capable? You’re painting yourself into a corner here…

Do you think all the white geniuses are just some clones without any genetic differences?

Any other areas. When it comes to things like electronics - military or civilian - or even such simple things as food, the Soviet Union was a long way behind. Their general approach was to have a military that could match the US as well as a few propaganda successes internationally (space, athletics, that sort of thing) and hide the rest. The whole country was little more than a Potemkin village.

The USSR had its weak points and strong points in the military just like the USA. There have been no shortages of food on the whole since the 1950s.
There have been on and off troubles with certain concrete types of food products.
The USA has the largest state debt in the world. The US won’t be able to pay it even if it starts to sell its children for organs. So the US is the same Potemkin village. The power of the USA is based on its successes in international propaganda, pseudo democratic brain-washing and on imposing its rules of game on the rest of the world.

Giggles. The Russians only entered the Napoleonic wars because the British bribed them to (ever heard of the Cavalry of St. George?), and only occupied Paris after Napoleon’s army had been routed at a little scuffle between it and a combined British/Dutch/German army at a place named Waterloo. The Grande Armee certainly was destroyed in Russia, but all the accounts I’ve read emphasise that it collapsed under the failure of it’s own logistics and equipment rather than Russian military pressure. There were some significant battles (Borodino, etc.) but none really critical to the outcome of the campaign.

Giggles. British places their faith in the Russian empire cause they have no capabilities to fight with Napoleon.
The French had the best the logistics, equipment and training. They were defeated by poorly-trained Russian militia

In case of Waterloo the joint forces of three states - British/Dutch/German army faced the shadow of the Grande Armee.

Errr… you’ve got a very strange idea of society. I think your bacofoil beanie may need adjusting. No western society pays welfare differently to people of any different race, nor do they allocated different punishments.

The reality is the opposite. European companies, firms, Universities are legally bound and financially encouraged to hire negros and arabs. Often it becomes more benificial to hire an illiterate negro and received discounts in paying state taxes

More a case of counting heads - it was one long low-key civil war from then onwards. Ever hear of Tamerlane?

The regular interior was typical for any empire at that time.

Here is an interesting illustration about the Napoleon’s army in Russia:

Click for large picture.

This is a modernised version:

Produced by Charles Joseph Minard in 1869.

By the way the tempersature in 1812 got below freezing point after 1st of November (i.e. it is displaied a bit wrong on the graph).


The USSR had its weak points and strong points in the military just like the USA. There have been no shortages of food on the whole since the 1950s.
There have been on and off troubles with certain concrete types of food products.

Oh my god
This write the man who hate the soviets for famine in Ukraine:)
5 points Kato:)
So what strong points had the USSR have?

Aaah, that’s sad. :frowning:

He’s still a virgin, then? :wink: