Who hates France / Frenchs ?


Were these people not people of faith in the communist ideals?

That’s a question, not a statement.

So lets legalize the Narco drugs in this way:)
This should be the personal choice , right?
So why do you mock for bad fate of negros if even the fate of OWN white race do not bother you?

People have to live together in society, and what you condone can only undermine the basic fabric of societies.

Are you not aware that ordinary Americans go about their daily lives without ever noticing prostitutes. Of course there are areas in America e.g. L.A. and New York, where one can find prostitutes, but they are not on every street corner.

You are forgetting that there is a lot of christianity in America. Personally, I found Hamburg and Amsterdam to be much more in line with your fantasies.

Why is it that people believe that women of African decent to be only capable of prostitution?

Do you believe that all women of colour are prostitutes, or just the vast majority of them?

Do you mean I already posted it before? :rolleyes:

They weren’t exactly white either. Or is there somehow a correlation between how white a person is and how highly developed/militarily efficient they are? If so, why the hell isn’t Lapland a superpower?

I’ve never held to the belief that race has anything to do with genius. Rather, I’m applying a reductio ad absurdam to your inference that all geniuses are white by stating that this in turn infers that a particular set of genes found only in whites are associated with genius, and hence all geniuses should somehow be related.

Yeah, and? How exactly is anyone going to force them to pay it back in that case? The reason the US can borrow so much is because people wish to lend them the money. At this sort of level conventional concepts about debt, etc. don’t really apply. The money isn’t really loaned as cash but is instead invested in the US economy.

Bollocks. They were defeated by their own logistic incompetence - finding themselves a huge distance inside Russia with the nearest supplies in Poland.
The British on the other hand had no particular incentive to fight Napoleon on land - the only real casus belli they had was the attempt to shut them out of trade with the continent under the “continental system”. Sufficiently large quantities of gold were enough to persuade countries like the Russians that they had more to gain by trading with the British than being part of the continental system.

Yep. The Russians didn’t even face that after 1812 - and it was 1815 when you were claiming they were occupying Paris and acting as the “policeman of Europe”.

Uh huh. Given that I live here and have never seen it, while you live in Kiev and are not offering any evidence, why do you think I’m not terribly convinced?

No arguament from me - I’ve always said that the UK never recovered from the first world war, let alone the second.

The Soviets had much more powerful rockets so could use bigger and less advanced computers. The US rockets were rubbish so they had to develop tiny computers to be able to lift them.

Quite. And I note that in neither case did the Russian army suffer substantial casualties due to the weather. I am NOT impressed by the French and German logistics and planning in these cases!

Since I’m involved in this thread, I can’t really moderate it effectively. Well, OK, I think I could, but unfortunately it wouldn’t give the appearance of impartiality to the members. Therefore I’m not having anything to do with the moderation of this thread.

George Eller has kindly agreed to keep an eye on it and warn/suspend/ban/delete posts as appropriate. I know for sure he’s keeping a close eye on things.

[QUOTE=pdf27;119068]They weren’t exactly white either. Or is there somehow a correlation between how white a person is and how highly developed/militarily efficient they are? If so, why the hell isn’t Lapland a superpower?

Naturally. Lapland is already a super-power in comparison with some Mozambique

Yeah, and? How exactly is anyone going to force them to pay it back in that case? The reason the US can borrow so much is because people wish to lend them the money. At this sort of level conventional concepts about debt, etc. don’t really apply. The money isn’t really loaned as cash but is instead invested in the US economy.

You are right when you pointed out “How exactly is anyone going to force them to pay it”
So we have a bankrupt who is not recognized as a bankrupt only due to non-economic causes.

The US can borrow so much because it dictates the rules in the modern world partly through its military, partly through propaganda, imposing its pseudo values as well as through controlling the world’s finance and international financianal institutions. The peoples of the world has very little to do with world’s finance.

The real entity of the USA is much more of a Potemkin village than in case with the USSR.

Bollocks. They were defeated by their own logistic incompetence - finding themselves a huge distance inside Russia with the nearest supplies in Poland.
The British on the other hand had no particular incentive to fight Napoleon on land - the only real casus belli they had was the attempt to shut them out of trade with the continent under the “continental system”. Sufficiently large quantities of gold were enough to persuade countries like the Russians that they had more to gain by trading with the British than being part of the continental system.

You ignore the fact that Britain did not dare to engage Napoleon on land then cause everyone knew that it had no chances to defeat the French.

So who was more powerful the Russian Empire that defeated huge Napoleon’s invincible army or the Brits who admitted their impotence to compete with the French on land at that time?

Yep. The Russians didn’t even face that after 1812 - and it was 1815 when you were claiming they were occupying Paris and acting as the “policeman of Europe”.

So what? The Russian Empire had remained the “policeman of Europe” till the middle of the 19th century

Uh huh. Given that I live here and have never seen it, while you live in Kiev and are not offering any evidence, why do you think I’m not terribly convinced?

Didn’t you hear about the term “positive discrimination”?


The last people of faith in the communist ideals in the USSr ceased to exist in the 1930s.( lots of them just committed suicides, others were purged and killed).

The fact is that the propaganda machine of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the WW2 dropped basic “communist ideals” about the concept of the state of workers, the class war, the solidarity of working class of different nations, inevitable communist revolution in the West etc. for good. The authorities realised its uselessness even for propaganda.
So what faith in the communist ideals are you talking about?
Communism and its ideals were the stuff for anecdotes and jeering in the USSR.

Well, I’m not in this thread precisely for the reasons mentioned above, and will mod it.

Firstly, everyone will cease and desist from the nationalistic talk of prostitutes and the like in this thread. The good women of the Ukraine, UK, France, and Russia need not be painted with such a wide, unseemly brush. Secondly, while I enjoy watching open discussion and a few sparks flying, I don’t think we need to stand for racist statements that are little more than just stereotypical generalizations either taken way out of context, or presented with no evidence to back them up.

This is a forum dedicated (mostly) to the men and women who fought fascism. So of course I have a high tolerance for idiocy as I think freedom of speech is the most highly prized asset on any good site worth coming too. At the same time this is a site dedicated to seeking the most subjective, but generally accepted, historical truths — and the spouting of misinformation for the sake of disparaging other races and the like while showing no empathy or seeking the historical perspective of others in order to state inherent beliefs as facts will also not be tolerated, Kato…

Even the French authorities fall out with you here. They distinguish Arabs with French citizenship from others when they keep their statistics about national composition of the population with French citizenship. Check any modern factbook on the Inernet or paper one. You’ll find that the French citizens will be devided into nationalities. There will be French, Arabs, Turks etc. If all the French citizens were to be considered of French nationality then there would be pointed out that there are 100% of people of French nationality among the French citizens but it does not.

You see a lot of sources and witnesses point out that the only country of our region where there have been no ethnical prostitution and selling drugs inside the national community is Chechnya for the last 17 years.
The Russian legislation with its bans on prostitution and selling illicit drugs have not been valid there. In reality there has been no legislation and bureaucrats that are to fight these phenomena for the last 17 years.

In the national Chechen communities there are no race mixing, almost zero rate of international marriages. This nation is capable to survive and grow, confront challenges, take control of finance, resources and assets in the whole region relying only on its people.

In the meantime Ukrainians and Russians have been brainwashed with some ungrounded twaddling about the growth of economic indicators, standards of living, their growing role in the internation policy by local bureaucrats. It is accompanied by American propaganda about pseudo democratic and social values that it tries to impose on others.

It wasn’t that Britain didn’t dare to engage the French on land, as you say. It was due to a lack of resourses. Britain has never maintained a large standing army of the continental type. In those days, especially, it relied on its navy. Britain is, after all, an island. It didn’t matter whether napoleon over-ran Europe, he couldn’t over-run Britain without first of all destroying its navy.

The British fielded a small army in the Iberian Peninnsula and never lost a battle against the French. Even before Wellington, Napoleon pursued a small British army (commanded by Sir John Moore), with overwhelming numbers, which forced the retreat to Corunna and Vigo. http://www.britishbattles.com/peninsula/peninsula-coruna.htm
This British retreat almost resembled Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow, and just as did Marshall Ney (the Bravest of the Brave - in the retreat from Moscow), when they reached Corunna to embark on navy ships, they turned, faced their enemy and bust their backsides, before embarking.

Wellington defeated every Franch Marshal and army sent against him. As it happens he never faced Napoleon until Waterloo (try looking up: Ciuda Rodrigo, Badaoz, San Sebastion, Salamanca, Talavera to name a few). The British were never beaten in open battle by the Napoleonic armies.


Wellesley was later to become the Duke of Wellington.


So who was more powerful the Russian Empire that defeated huge Napoleon’s invincible army or the Brits who admitted their impotence to compete with the French on land at that time?

Napoleon’s defeat in Russia was on account of the Russians abandoning Moscow ( a very good strategic move, by the way), the Scortched-earth policy and the extreme winter, which is typical of a continental climate and nowhere more so than in Russia.

The supermen of Europe/Asia i.e. Russia, proved themselves no match for Napoleon in open battle and if it was not for his own meglomania (which was probably a bi-product of his genius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalomania), he would have ruled in Europe for a very long time. Anyway, here’s where he kicked some Russian bottoms:


It seems to me that you have some very serious esteem needs as you feel that you have to be constantly telling the world how superior you are to the rest of us?

That is correct. And for that reason I will not be an active participant in this thread. I am also in agreement with my esteemed fellow moderator Nickdfresh and his statements quoted below.

And I will add that this is an international forum consisting of members of diverse ethnic groups that make up the three major races of mankind. Racist statements will not be tolerated. Let this be a warning Kato.

Further persistence along those lines will result in infractions on your account and possible banning from this forum’s membership.

How about, say, Egypt? The Lapps are clearly whiter than the Egyptians, yet their economy consists largely of subsistence/subsidised commercial Reindeer herding. Providing a single counter example (in this case I notice how you cunningly pick one that was torn to pieces by a cold war proxy war for 20 years) is not a terribly convincing rhetorical technique.

Yet the biggest single lender to the US is China - a country with little to fear from the US Military and whose leadership are unlikely to be swayed by propaganda. They see it as in their interest to lend money to the US, and so do so.

As already mentioned, the British army was spread all over the globe at the time. While we did send a significant army to the Iberian Peninsula (which eventually fought it’s way from Lisbon to Toulouse by the time the Peace of Amiens was signed), most of our land forces were committed to nicking other people’s countries abroad - places like India and the West Indes.

Uh huh. Which is why the Crimean war was fought in the Crimea, not in central europe, right?

Yep. It’s a common excuse used by dumb white racists when they can’t get a job. The reality is that it doesn’t exist and would be illegal under anti-discrimination legislation in all but a few cases. These cases are limited to those like the police where to do their job they need a workforce representative of the population. This mostly applies in Northern Ireland, to favour one white group over another.

But the Chechnia was ONLY country of our region where recently the Kidnapping and Slavery was legitime, right?
Tht’s true - they have strong ethnical ties, however i do not think this could be good example for us - White Europeans.
The basis of Chechens society is the family clan - enough effective method for surviving in hard conditions and persecutions , but very primitive for further development and success.

In the national Chechen communities there are no race mixing, almost zero rate of international marriages. This nation is capable to survive and grow, confront challenges, take control of finance, resources and assets in the whole region relying only on its people.

Yea and therefore this ethnical group are very hostile for other ones in Caucaus, not just to russians.

In the meantime Ukrainians and Russians have been brainwashed with some ungrounded twaddling about the growth of economic indicators, standards of living, their growing role in the internation policy by local bureaucrats. It is accompanied by American propaganda about pseudo democratic and social values that it tries to impose on others.

And what was the bad in the mixtured marriages of Ukrainiand and Russians?
Do we need to take example from limited muslim tribes coz they survived via the centrures( but still on relatively primitive level)?
Living in the normal society they use all of the civils right and benefits and somethimes reach the great success , but in their motherlands - they still are bunch of the savages , more or less civilized.

This becouse the Turkey has been supported by both France and Britain.To the contrast Russia was alone.

This was true just for firsts satellites like Sputnik.
However since the 1960-yy the greates rocket was the Saturn-5 ( at least till the 1988 when “Energia” was created in USSR)
So soviets was have to use more or less modernized electronics for such great projects like the Lunahod ( Moon Radio controlled vehicle)

Oh common Kato:)
don’t you think that all of those crazy and most inhuman NKVD murders ( lIke Jagoda and Egov) that were purged first in the 1930-yy were the “Last communist Idealists”?

The fact is that the propaganda machine of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the WW2 dropped basic “communist ideals” about the concept of the state of workers, the class war, the solidarity of working class of different nations, inevitable communist revolution in the West etc. for good. The authorities realised its uselessness even for propaganda.
So what faith in the communist ideals are you talking about?
Communism and its ideals were the stuff for anecdotes and jeering in the USSR.

The Propogandic mashine not just throw away all of old Bolshevicks international slogans , but even almost rehabilitate the Ortodoxy Church.
The most of old Boslshevicks criminals were executed ( including idiotic Trockij-Bernshtain)

No argument here. I was just responding to Kato’s assertion that Russia was the “policeman of Europe” at the time. If that was true it would be projecting force throughout Europe, and all battles involving Russia would be fought on their enemie’s soil.

What they said… Some guys seem intent on taking a small holiday from the Forum…