Who hates France / Frenchs ?

If I have committed any acts of negative discrimination, on racial lines, then I most humbly apologise to any whom I may have offended!

I doubt they believed in some ideals. Beria and others came instead of Jagoda and Egov. Stalin once said that there are two ways for NKVD officer:
either get promoted or get imprisoned. In case of Jagoda, Egov, Beria,
who were on the top of the NKVD hierachy, they were in for only one way.
It was the Stalin’ methods to keep up the state system through purges even among those who did the dirty job.
It was not caused by their crimes that were commited according to direct Stalin’s orders.

The commuist idealists were people like poet Mayakovskiy.

The most of old Boslshevicks criminals were executed ( including idiotic Trockij-Bernshtain)

Trockij-Bernshtain was a Stalin’s rival and that was the reason for his murder.

[QUOTE=32Bravo;119149]It wasn’t that Britain didn’t dare to engage the French on land, as you say. It was due to a lack of resourses. Britain has never maintained a large standing army of the continental type. In those days, especially, it relied on its navy. Britain is, after all, an island. It didn’t matter whether napoleon over-ran Europe, he couldn’t over-run Britain without first of all destroying its navy.

Quite correct. So Britain realised that it could not wage land war against France on the continent and that is why the Brits did their best to involve the country that could - the Russian Empire. A lack of resourses means that Britan was weaker than France and the Russian Empire.

[QUOTE=Chevan;119174]But the Chechnia was ONLY country of our region where recently the Kidnapping and Slavery was legitime, right?

Chechen criminal activities are projected on other nationals.

Tht’s true - they have strong ethnical ties, however i do not think this could be good example for us - White Europeans.
The basis of Chechens society is the family clan - enough effective method for surviving in hard conditions and persecutions , but very primitive for further development and success.

I don’t see how it can interfere with the technological and scientific development.

Of course Chechnia has no hightec sector or research institutes. But it is a very small nation, Chechenia had no serious educational, hightec or scientific basis left from the past, it lived in the conditions of incessant war.

And what was the bad in the mixtured marriages of Ukrainiand and Russians?

Actually the number of international marriages is very low when both nations live in separate states so there are no problems with it.

Do we need to take example from limited muslim tribes coz they survived via the centrures( but still on relatively primitive level)?

In case of Russia it is better to let them go and separate their ethnical territories where they still have a majority or even essential proportion.

Living in the normal society they use all of the civils right and benefits

The matter is that the civil rights and benefits in the post Soviet region are very formal, verge on profanation and violated. If one tries to live here using social guarantees he will kick the bucket in a month.

and somethimes reach the great success , but in their motherlands - they still are bunch of the savages , more or less civilized.

So Slavs in Russia have no reasons to keep these provinces within Russia and should let them go and send Chechens back to their fatherland. Let our Chechen brothers go to the EU and the USA.

I suppose the concept of “projecting force throughout Europe” belongs to the 20th century. Besides it seems to me it is elaborated by the USA and Britain which have hardly vulnarable geographic positions.

The Lapps live in the state called Finland.

Yet the biggest single lender to the US is China - a country with little to fear from the US Military and whose leadership are unlikely to be swayed by propaganda. They see it as in their interest to lend money to the US, and so do so.

Perhaps I am mistaken but I suppose Japan is the biggest US lender. But even if it is China, China is also involved and depend on the international finance and trade that are directly or indirectly under the US control.

Besides the Chinese are not especially loved by the rest of Asian nations. To say the least of it. Potential anti-Chinese alliance can embrace everyone from India to Japan.

As already mentioned, the British army was spread all over the globe at the time. While we did send a significant army to the Iberian Peninsula (which eventually fought it’s way from Lisbon to Toulouse by the time the Peace of Amiens was signed), most of our land forces were committed to nicking other people’s countries abroad - places like India and the West Indes.

The British army was spread in non-white regions where locals were lagging behind Europeans in military technology and organization for centuries or millenniums.

Yep. It’s a common excuse used by dumb white racists when they can’t get a job. The reality is that it doesn’t exist and would be illegal under anti-discrimination legislation in all but a few cases. These cases are limited to those like the police where to do their job they need a workforce representative of the population. This mostly applies in Northern Ireland, to favour one white group over another.

The reality is that all these policies of positive discrimination and integration cover all the domains of activities in the EU and the US. It is viewed as a main instrument to narrow the differences between locals and non-white immigrants and avoid social instability in the artificially created multi-colourful society.

By the way, the labelling of those who oppose it as dumb and never-do-wells is also the part of the official integration policies.

So you cry about those who did the dirty work?

The commuist idealists were people like poet Mayakovskiy.

But this “poet” sing the anhems for early-Bolshevick regime ( that had started the Red Terror), he glorified the Comparty policy as well.
So does it mean he was the GOOD “idealist”?
And were the other people like Lenin, Sverdlov and Trockij were “idealist” as well( coz they fanatically believed in the Marxism) ?

Trockij-Bernshtain was a Stalin’s rival and that was the reason for his murder.

so does it mean he was GOOD or BETTER than Stalin, if he was partly his rival?
But he was not a rival , being killed in Mexico.
Do yo feel pity for such an idealist like Trockij-Bernshtain?

They were separate already.
The Checnij had the independence in 1996-99.
And what then?

The matter is that the civil rights and benefits in the post Soviet region are very formal, verge on profanation and violated. If one tries to live here using social guarantees he will kick the bucket in a month.

I don’t know about Ukraine.
I use the social guaranties very well ( i mean the education, medical service and ets.)Besides i’ve got the free high education in the Russia.( but this was long time ago:))
However i/m agree for other part of USSR.
In fact the life level in the former soviet republic is very diverse. For insance the Middle Asia nothing hear about social garanties.
BTW this could indirectly confirm your race-superiority theory.

So Slavs in Russia have no reasons to keep these provinces within Russia and should let them go and send Chechens back to their fatherland. Let our Chechen brothers go to the EU and the USA.

Your Chechens brothers?Why they are brothers for you but Negroes are not?
What brothershood do you mean here?

I don’t

But this “poet” sing the anhems for early-Bolshevick regime ( that had started the Red Terror), he glorified the Comparty policy as well.
So does it mean he was the GOOD “idealist”?

He committed a suicide when he realised that his ideals had nothing to do with reality. Others continued to glorify communists cause they had no ideals.

And were the other people like Lenin, Sverdlov and Trockij were “idealist” as well( coz they fanatically believed in the Marxism) ?

Marxism is based on materialistic philosophy. The red leaders Lenin, Sverdlov and Trockij managed to win in the civil war only because they had no scruples, ideals and principles that they had to follow. They promised or declared something on crucial issues and then did the opposite, often it happened simultaneously. All other sides involved in the civil war were always restricted by their ideals and principles even in their propaganda.

so does it mean he was GOOD or BETTER than Stalin, if he was partly his rival?
But he was not a rival , being killed in Mexico.

It does not mean that “he was GOOD or BETTER than Stalin”. There is nothing to choose between Trockij and Stalin.

Trockij was in exile but it did not change his past. He was the last main Lenin’s adepts except Stalin who was still alive then. He was one of co-founders of the USSR, communist party and the whole Soviet system of power. He knew all the ins and outs of the Soviet system. This person did pose a threat for Stalin even in exile.

So in addition to not being able to preserve their tribal identity and hence being swallowed up by another state, the state that swallows them is a bit-player that isn’t even a major power in the Baltic. A thoroughly convincing argument for white supremacy there!

They’re disliked an awful lot less than the Japanese…

It might be an official policy (not one I’ve ever actually seen evidence of mind you), but it’s also my personal opinion based on living in a country allegedly practicing it. I’m a member of the group allegedly discriminated against, and have yet to see any evidence whatsoever of it. The only people I’m aware of who seem to believe that it exists are:

  1. Readers of the Daily Mail
  2. Retired Colonels from Tonbridge Wells

Where such non-integrated communities exist, the preferred method of dealing with it in western Europe is to send additional funding for education and training to these areas. The widely accepted theory is that the lack of integration and jobs is down to lack of opportunity. Stupidity or Laziness as a reason for being unable to get a job are not considered the state’s problem and they don’t do anything to assist these people beyond a minimum amount of money to keep them from starving to death.

They are de-facto separate.

I don’t know about Ukraine.
I use the social guaranties very well ( i mean the education, medical service and ets.)Besides i’ve got the free high education in the Russia.( but this was long time ago:))

We must admit that the people from the North Caucases are not enthusiastic about their education and are not eager to use this social guarantee.
The main purpose of the system of education is to cultivate people who will be able to keep up and conduct technological and scientific development in their country.
Do people from the North Caucases and some other regions view the Russian Federation as their motherland. NO
And what technological sector and science are there in, let’s say, Ingushetia?

About free medicine in Russia I suppose you accidentally wrote it in haste.

Your Chechens brothers?Why they are brothers for you but Negroes are not?
What brothershood do you mean here?

Oh it is just a figure of speech I used it for those who are nostalgic for the USSR.
Besides the truth is that the Ukrainian poetry and literature have always referred to them as Ukrainian brothers-in-arms since the 19th century.

This is really bizarre! LOL!

Why do you think that Finland swallowed them? I did not hear about their aspirations to separate from Finland.

They’re disliked an awful lot less than the Japanese…

It is Anglo-American stereotype. The Japanese controlled the South-Eastern
Asia only for a few years against many decades of European and American presence. The Japanese occupation was not generally worse the the colonial European or American administartion.
There are almost no Japanese communities in the countries of South-Eastern Asia. In the meantime there are huge Chinese diasporas that have been causing interethnical tensions and conflicts for centuries.

The good recent example is when the communist China started war against the communist Vietnam.

It might be an official policy (not one I’ve ever actually seen evidence of mind you), but it’s also my personal opinion based on living in a country allegedly practicing it. I’m a member of the group allegedly discriminated against, and have yet to see any evidence whatsoever of it. The only people I’m aware of who seem to believe that it exists are:

  1. Readers of the Daily Mail
  2. Retired Colonels from Tonbridge Wells

I have talked to people who work in the Western universities, research institutes, software companies and their opinion is unanimous on this issue.
And they are not

  1. Readers of the Daily Mail
  2. Retired Colonels from Tonbridge Wells


Quite correct. So Britain realised that it could not wage land war against France on the continent and that is why the Brits did their best to involve the country that could - the Russian Empire. A lack of resourses means that Britan was weaker than France and the Russian Empire.

A lack of manpower and the fact that britian was a maritime power engendered a totally different strategy, one that relied on pressure points and basically using its wealth to pay for others who had the manpower to do the fighting.

Up until ww1 Britian policy was to avoid direct confrontation on the continent wherever possible.

Thank you!

So Britain realised that it could not wage land war against France on the continent

Pretty good so far!

and that is why the Brits did their best to involve the country that could - the Russian Empire. A lack of resourses means that Britan was weaker than France and the Russian Empire.

Aaaaw! Just as you were doing so well!

Never mind! I’ll give you another chance before you bore me to death completely!

You obviously completely ignored my comments regarding defeating the French in all of those Peninsula battles.

An even greater sin was to ignore Austerlitz, where Napoleon proved that depending on Russia to sort things out would have been an even greater waste of time, energy, planning and diplomacy.

Of course Britain appeared weak as far as you would have it. But that’s just your way of bending the truth to suit your own warped sense of reality.

Britain, at this time, had global commitments. It had an Empire that circled the globe, the sun never set on it. While we were dealing with the French in Spain, we were burning the White House. We were garrisoning India; we were teaching the the people of Quebec how to play cricket, Africa was being explored.

When the war against Napoleon was concluded in 1814, the British army was dispersed about the globe. The army which was thrown together in 1815, mainly consisted of newly formed battalions. Even so, Wellington saw Napoleon off.

Yes! I know all of those old arguments about the Prussians saving the day, but that is not quite true. All of Napoleon’s efforts had been aimed at the ridgeline of Mont St Jean. Each of his attacks had been repulsed with interest. The prussians arrived on the battlefield late in the day and were held by the Young Guard.

It was only when the French were licked that the Prussians fianllay broke through, and their greatest contribution was one of hot-pursuit of an already routed enemy.

I would normally argue: There is truth and there is perception!

However, in your case, I would argue: There is truth and there is deception!

So, my dear friend, please stop talking absolute cobblers and argue the truth instead of the fantasy which you seem to be sleeping with.

Austerlitz, Battle Of Battle on 2 December 1805,
in which the French forces of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte defeated those of Alexander I of Russia
and Francis II of Austria at a small town in the Czech Republic (formerly in Austria), 19 km/12 mi east of Brno. The battle was one of Napoleon’s greatest victories, resulting in the end of the coalition against France – the Austrians signed the Treaty of Pressburg and the Russians retired to their own territory.

I think it truthful to say that the Russians were scuppered. :smiley:

7 September 1812

[French victory over Russian forces [/b]under Kutusov on 7 September 1812 near the village of Borodino, 110km/70 mi northwest of Moscow, during Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Russia. This was one of the bloodiest battles of the Napoleonic years: the Russians lost 15,000 dead and 25,000 wounded; the French lost about 28,000, including 12 generals.

Although the Russians were still a coherent force, they were in no condition to fight another battle after Borodino and Napoleon was able to continue his advance on Moscow unchecked.

And scuppered again! :smiley:

And speaking of scuppered:

Battle of the Nile, naval action fought on August 1-2, 1798, during the Napoleonic Wars, between the British and the French in Abu Qir Bay, about 24 km (15 mi) north-east of Alexandria, Egypt. A French fleet of 17 ships, commanded by Vice Admiral François Paul Brueys d’Aigailliers, had sailed from Toulon, France, with Napoleon Bonaparte and the army with which Napoleon intended to conquer Egypt, before attacking the British in India. The British fleet of 14 ships, under Rear Admiral Horatio Nelson, entered the bay at twilight and caught Brueys’s ships anchored close to shore. Nelson split his fleet into two, sending seven ships to cut the French off from the shore while the other half advanced on their seaward side. Caught between this crossfire the French were heavily defeated; all but four of their vessels either surrendered or were destroyed.

Nelson’s victory cut off Napoleon’s line of communication with France, eventually causing him to abandon his expedition to the Middle East. The British thus gained control of the entire Mediterranean, and they were soon able to induce various European powers to join them in a new coalition (1799) against France.

I would wager that you had never even heard of that - nor this:

The Battle of Alexandria,
or the Reconquest of Egypt
It was on the 21st of March in the year of 1801
The British were at their posts every man;
And their position was naturally very strong,
And the whole line from sea to lake was about a mile long.

And on the ruins of a Roman Palace, rested the right,
And every man amongst them was eager for the fight,
And the reserve was under the command of Major General Moore,
A hero brave, whose courage was both firm and sure.

And in the valley between the right were the cavalry,
Which was really a most beautiful sight to see;
And the 28th were posted in a redoubt open in the rear,
Determined to hold it to the last without the least fear.

And the Guards and the Inniskillings were eager for the fray,
Also the Gordon Highlanders and Cameron Highlanders in grand array;
Likewise the dismounted Cavalry and the noble Dragoons,
Who never fear’d the cannons shot when it loudly booms.

And between the two armies stretched a sandy plain,
Which the French tried to chase the British off, but it was all in vain,
And a more imposing battle-field seldom has been chosen,
But alack the valour of the French soon got frozen.

Major General Moore was the general officer of the night,
And had galloped off to the left and to the right,
The instant he heard the enemy briskly firing;
He guessed by their firing they had no thought of retiring.

Then a wild broken huzza was heard from the plain below,
And followed by a rattle of musketry from the foe;
Then the French advanced in column with their drums loudly beating,
While their officers cried forward men and no retreating.

Then the colonel of the 58th reserved his fire,
Until the enemy drew near, which was his desire;
Then he ordered his men to attack them from behind the palace wall,
Then he opened fire at thirty yards, which did the enemy appal.

And thus assailed in front, flank and rear,
The French soon began to shake with fear;
Then the 58th charged them with the bayonet, with courage unshaken,
And all the enemy that entered the palace ruins were killed or taken.

Then the French Invincibles, stimulated by liquor and the promise of gold,
Stole silently along the valley with tact and courage bold,
Proceeded by a 6 pounder gun, between the right of the guards,
But brave Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart quickly their progress retards.

Then Colonel Stewart cried to the right wing,
Forward! My lads, and make the valley ring,
And charge them with your bayonets and capture their gun,
And before very long they will be glad to run.

Then loudly grew the din of battle, like to rend the skies,
As Major Stirling’s left wing faced, and charged them likewise;
Then the Invincibles maddened by this double attack,
Dashed forward on the palace ruins, but they soon were driven back.

And by the 58th, and Black Watch they were brought to bay, here,
But still they were resolved to sell their lives most dear,
And it was only after 650 of them had fallen in the fray,
That the rest threw down their arms and quickly ran away.

Then unexpected, another great body of the enemy was seen,
With their banners waving in the breeze, most beautiful and green;
And advancing on the left of the redoubt,
But General Moore instantly ordered the Black Watch out.

And he cried, brave Highlanders you are always in the hottest of the fight,
Now make ready for the bayonet charge with all your might;
And remember our country and your forefathers
As soon as the enemy and ye foregathers.

Then the Black Watch responded with a loud shout,
And charged them with their bayonets without fear or doubt;
And the French tried hard to stand the charge, but it was all in vain,
And in confusion they all fled across the sandy plain.

Oh! It was a glorious victory, the British gained that day,
But the joy of it, alas! Was unfortunately taken away,
Because Sir Ralph Abercrombie, in the hottest of the fight, was shot,
And for his undaunted bravery, his name will never be forgot.

The Prussians were good allies,though. Alas, twas a sad day at Ligny, but old Blucher held true to his word - though others might not have.

Quite seperately! I saw on the news this morning that Russia has been using its bombers as a means of rattling its sabres against Britain, again. Don’t you chaps realize that we don’t give a fishes?

Uh huh. Because the Europeans and Americans were known for beating and raping schoolgirls for the crime of shouting “hurrah”, or deliberately infecting peasants with biological warfare agents and then dissecting them alive to learn more. Not to mention the sheer number of conscripted labourers who died in construction projects, or kidnapped “comfort women” who died or had their lives destroyed.

Not to mention the Alexandra Hospital massacre by the Japanese, of people in hospital under a supposedly equally bad British administration, and the Sook Ching massacres of 25,000+ Chinese by the Japanese in Singapore after the British surrender.

Kato, you really should inform yourself before making such sweeping and demonstrably wrong statements.

Much has been made of Hitler’s European holocaust or the millions killed during Stalin’s purges against his own people, but was this an Asian holocaust? Approximately 15 million Chinese, Indo-Chinese, Burmese, Indonesian, Filippino, Malay, Pacific Islanders and allied prisoners of war were killed or died of neglect. During the European conflict with Nazi Germany, the death rate of Allied soldiers in captivity was 9,348 or about 4% of the total captured or surrendered. The death rate in Japanese captivity was 27%.

“deliberately infecting peasants with biological warfare agents and then dissecting them alive to learn more” took place in China. It wasn’t done in some industrial quantities.

The exploitation of local labourers in the South-Eastern Asia was typical for Europeans and American colonial administration there and it lasted much longer.

The claimes that “comfort women” were only kidnapped and forced have certain are partly true.

What about the crimes of American soldiers in Okinava at present? They commit rapes of local children regularly even in spite of the fact Japan is an American ally today.

[QUOTE=Rising Sun*;119309]Not to mention the Alexandra Hospital massacre by the Japanese, of people in hospital under a supposedly equally bad British administration, and the Sook Ching massacres of 25,000+ Chinese by the Japanese in Singapore after the British surrender.

Much has been made of Hitler’s European holocaust or the millions killed during Stalin’s purges against his own people, but was this an Asian holocaust? Approximately 15 million Chinese, Indo-Chinese, Burmese, Indonesian, Filippino, Malay, Pacific Islanders and allied prisoners of war were killed or died of neglect. During the European conflict with Nazi Germany, the death rate of Allied soldiers in captivity was 9,348 or about 4% of the total captured or surrendered. The death rate in Japanese captivity was 27%.
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Right. But it mainly relates to China and the Chinese and not others states and nations in the South-Eastern Asia.


The Japanese did it.

Find five examples of similar behaviour shortly before the war by American or European colonial powers.

Read up on the Burma railway and how the Asian labourers were treated by the Japanese, then find five examples of similar conduct shortly before the war by any European or American power in its colony in Asia.

It’s a complex issue so far as Korean comfort women are concerned which relates to aspects of Korean society and its status as a Japanese colony, but many women who found themselves sold into sexual slavery by Koreans were still raped by the Japanese.

It’s not a complex issue so far as raping local women and Europeans in occupied countries is concerned. They weren’t partly raped. And they weren’t partly bayoneted or partly machine gunned and so on.

What about them?

It’s not a policy encouraged, endorsed or allowed by the US military, which is three things that distinguishes the US military in Okinawa now from the Japanese in Asia in WWII.

Find some examples of Japanese troops being tried and sentenced heavily for rape by their own courts during WWII for raping local women. Better still, find me an example of anybody in the Japanese hierarchy being in the least upset by machine gunning about 20 shipwrecked Australian nurses to death at Banka Island, while on Japanese testimony at least one other Australian nurse was being raped the night before by Japanese soldiers.

I’ve referred to this in other threads, but if you want the measure of what primitive bastards many of the Japanese were, you can’t go past them shooting a six year old Australian boy in Papua because he wouldn’t stay still to be beheaded by those fucking heroes after they’d beheaded half a dozen adults in front of him, including his father.