World War related bickering

One doesn’t wish to reduce this thread to childness but i’m sorry, look at it! It looks like a thingy! :shock:

Thankfully we (Americans) dont have to take credit for this…if you look closely you can see the German Cross on the hull. Crazy Krauts. :smiley:

Maybe its a really nice tube cleaner or something. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Freud would have had a field day with that! :lol:

Very droll Blades !

Exactly what I thought!

Oh for crying out loud. Nobody elected you Seargent Major of all Things Worth Discussing". :roll:

It was courteous attempts to create discussion in a thread called “American Military - Past and Present” about something other than Egypt or British military school. If that blows your day, feel free to continue in the “British Military” thread, instead of continue your “reducing this thread” to discussion of all things British, which is what it has been since page 2 of it’s 20 pages.

Why not light a cheroot chota wallah, rope your daisy-roots and head on over.

Oh for crying out loud. Nobody elected you Seargent Major of all Things Worth Discussing". :roll:

It was courteous attempts to create discussion in a thread called “American Military - Past and Present” about something other than Egypt or British military school. If that blows your day, feel free to continue in the “British Military” thread, instead of continue your “reducing this thread” to discussion of all things British, which is what it has been since page 2 of it’s 20 pages.

Why not light a cheroot chota wallah, rope your daisy-roots and head on over.[/quote]

Damn dude calm yourself…He is right the thing looks crazy and as i said I dont think its American.

I’ve got a feeling he was referring to an amusingly shaped Turnip served to the Whiteadders anyway…
As I understand it, it is indeed a silencer to reduce the volume of the artillery firing and so not upset the neighbours as much…

There are Bundeswehr markings on the Gun and the credit would appear to go to a German.
I suppose it might be an American made piece or at an American facility (although they’ve got more room to play with and probably don’t have to worry about the neighbours complaining about the noise) but otherwise I don’t see as it has anymore relevence to thread than any of the stuff Leadbint was complaining about.

However it is an interesting picture and well worth posting for it’s “knob-gag” value alone.

BTW You don’t understand the significance of the “Egypt” thing do you? Oh yes and Britain does not have military schools in the same way that the US does so I don’t know what you’re on about, Ironman :?:

Ok, as your resident boxhead I did a bit of research on German websites.
The thing is indeed a huge supressor and is sited at the “Wehrtechnische Versuchsanstalt Meppen” (Military technological research center Meppen, the German equivalent of the American Aberdeen Proving Ground). The artillery piece is a Panzerhaubitze M109.
The thing is used to measure projectile speeds, and to prevent from getting on the nerves of the neighbours (Germany has a quite high population density) when they are firing hundreds of rounds every day for experimental purposes. The two “testicles” are installed to catch the sidewards blast from the muzzle brake.


Walther thanks for the explanation, here I was thinking it was a giant comoflaged c**k or was that jost a phallusey.

No mate, it was a misconception…

I think it’s a device for counting artillery rounds. :lol:

Walther - I guessed that it might be for measuring the speed at which the shell leaves the muzzel but surely the effect of fitting what looks like a huge silencer (no it looks like willy) to barrel radicaly alter the performance of the round. Wouldn’t radar be a much cheaper to way to measure the speed of rounds. Also why have they bothered painting it cammouflage?

However it is an interesting picture and well worth posting for it’s “knob-gag” value alone.

You see, we can have fun and learn at the same time!

Why not light a cheroot chota wallah, rope your daisy-roots and head on over.

sounds like a wizard wheeze me old fruit.

Also why have they bothered painting it cammouflage?

The thing is though it would only be worth camoflauging, me thinks, if you could readily merge the shape into a feature, i.e. a wood. There would be no merit in camoflauging it and deploying it in the open. Therefore would it not be sensible to paint it sky grey or something similiar in order to make it less obvious that a huge tube painted green? Your thoughts please.

'Tis a good job it wasn’t in the old SAS desert camouflage…


WTF? How does a gun crew forget how many rounds it has fired? a loader/gunner can tell you how many you have loaded, alternatively you count the bangs! maybe it is for stupid people that havent got enough fingers and toes, or like you have 7 fingers and toes on each hand!

Did you miss Walther’s post when he told you that it measured projectile velocity?

or is this one of your “I THINK” posts where fact has to take a back seat to your opinion. If you hadnt noticed, I dont like you and i think you are infact a huge German artillery shell suppressor in 1940s SAS desert camoflague.

To be boringly practical, they probably had camouflage paint around but no sky grey paint…
Besides, it looks far less dodgy in camouflage colours!

The painting was probably done on behalf of some NCO, who wanted to keep his men busy and only had the standard camouflage paint for the vehicles available. The German sites I checked mentioned that this thing used to be painted in simple olive drab before.
