World War related bickering

Did you miss Walther’s post when he told you that it measured projectile velocity?

or is this one of your “I THINK” posts where fact has to take a back seat to your opinion. If you hadnt noticed, I dont like you and i think you are infact a huge German artillery shell suppressor in 1940s SAS desert camoflague.[/quote]

Miaow! In this case, it’s a facetious comment amongst other facetious comments about an amusingly shaped piece of kit.

I suggest you meet each other at dawn, with your best handbags at the ready.

I shall stand exactly 501 metres from him and laugh with contempt as his bullets fall from the sky and mine make him look well ventilated.

And shall stand beside you old boy mixing G&Ts. :lol: Then we can pop off to the mess for tea and medals.

actually i was hoping to run to his wilting corpse and poke him with a stick to be sure, but after that… well naturally tea and medals all around!

Sounds spiffing. Bluffcove, may I be your second? I’ll bring plenty of spare guns, just in case. 8)

:smiley: Good to see you chaps still at it!

nice :slight_smile:

I thought i was going to be your second bluffy old chap?

Shall we have a duel about it? :lol:

I thought you were going to be G&T mixer, whilst I was second. Tell you what, we can take it in turns!

More to the point, who is going to be Ironmans second? :?

It seem that I shall not be needing a 2nd or 3rd, as IRONMAN has no friends to accompany him to said duel? It will jsut be a aone on one in a Marquess of Queensbury style (sic)

IRONMAN might donwload a troll from Quack, then what would we do?

Alternatively he might stay in and watch coffee stains dry on his Tshirt whilst sat in his boxers smelling slightly salty at his computer screen, wondering whether PETA are going to be angry with him for all teh chickens he has strangeld in his lifetime.

If there are to be pistols at dawn, I’ll volunteer to be Ironman’s second.

Now, where shall I keep this gunpowder… wouldn’t want to get it wet… I’ll leave it here by the sink…

Gunpowder? I thought it was spring powered!


Spring powered carbines at dawn!

I think I know now where Potmetalboy got rthe idea about a “spring powered” carbine from. I was in a gun shop a few weeks ago, which besides live guns also sells airsoft toys. Out of curiousity I picked up an airsoft carbine, just to compare it with my real (deact) one. This thing really used a spring to push the pellets out.


Check out this video of an American sniper shooting insurgents hiding in the hills with a .50 sniper rifle. The power of that weapon is astounding.

WARNING: Extremely graphic.

Ohhhh and just imgine if they had been one meter further away that bullet would have been beyond its effective range and would have bounced off their little yashmaks. 8)

More is the pity :cry:

I am not able to watch coz im on crappy dailup at the moment. Like living the stone age. Anyhow I wanted to commend you for putting up a Warning. Thats a good idea for everyone when posting links that some might find a bit to much.

I think it is a picture I´ve seen before. It shows an Iraqi, who´s head above the bridge of his nose is missing.
I´ve seen similar pictures on another site showing an execution of several Chinese women by Chinese police using the frangible bullet from an AK-47 into the head method. Not nice.


no the video is literally picking off Insurgents from amongst cover on a hillside.

About four shots are taken through the course of the video, a reticule comes up on teh video screen showing where the insurgent is the shot is fired, and then in slow motion you see the body get flung into the air by the impact.

It is fairly graphic though pixellated and strangely numbing.