World War related bickering

good luck with getting an answer we have all been waiting for about 2 months to hear this one!!! :twisted:

wow!!! ,sabes hablar espanol??? (considerando el uso posible del traductor perfecto)

you know spanish :D?

Est-ce qu’il y a d’autre personne dans ce forum qui parle le français?
La langue française est une langue supérieure à celui du Russe et de l’Anglais!!
Hé hé! C’est vrai ce que je dit!

Alors, y a tu des mondes qui sont Québecois ou Français icitte?

I understand some of your words jose francis :smiley: ,the french is a bit close to spanish.

is there a person who speaks french here?

Edited by me: It isn´t necesary to translate the rest of the sentece.

Erwin, hablo un poco. Lo he aprendido en el colegio y he vivido en Espana durante mi juventud, no hablo bien, pero puedo entender bastante.


can someone who can read russian see whether my russian is right?

It’s been a week in which Ironscam has been very prolific since this post, and we are yet to see a response.

I don’t think we’ll get one though - how do you provide evidence for a statement which is objectively wrong? :twisted:

Silent frionpan = beaten frionpan

Я canґt говорить русский using высшая отметка за классную работу переводчик и пробовать к читать ваш столб. :lol:

Maybe he thinks that if he ignores us we’ll go away & he’ll somehow be right after all? Heaven knows what goes on in that moustacioed head of his!

You may have to wait a week, he’s away… errrr… he’s away working on his Google techniques.

But seriously I hope he will return, as a chastened and wiser man.
Not that becoming the latter would be difficult…

=7 days of suspension

=7 days of suspension[/quote]

Was written a few days before his suspension - he’s had ample time before suspension to reply.


wow!,i found a sleeping war thread! :shock:

im sooooooooooo lucky 8)

Erwin you have just awakened the Ravenous Bug-blatter Beast Of Trall, not something that is meant to be awoken. If we stay quite long enough it may think nothing of it and might go back to sleep.

thankyou :smiley:

you forgot the 1st foot and mouth!

:oops: ,im going to put them

Nice list Erwin though you missed the Artists rifles.
The Tower Hamlets Rifles are now the Tower Hamlets Mac 10’s init

:oops: sorry again,i will add them too.

thank you sir :smiley: