World War related bickering

Dragon Models’ figures, although are well made, are not the best quality wise :slight_smile: The best 1/6 scale WWII figures are made by DiD, here’s their website:

Go under “Products”, “WWII” and you’ll see what I mean :slight_smile: Not only do the uniforms, weapons and equipment exactly like real ones, they are made with metal and wood too, where applicable !! Like some of the rifles are really made of wood and metal. And the helmets are all made of steel. The Nebelwerfer:

Is also made with “100% metallic composition.” Neat huh ? :slight_smile:

Hey Siberian Rifleman-cool stuff!

very nice. DID makes more detailed figures, they seem more expensive though. theres also a lot less selection. Imagine getting the “Heinrich Himmler” doll and showing it to your girlfriend…

Yeah they’re pretty neat huh ? :slight_smile: Hosenfield, lol yeah the Russian community is not really into SS stuff, haha…

DiD figures are more expensive, but I switch to DiD from Dragon because I like the quality more :slight_smile: DiD is also considering making a line for the WWI era, as well as Napoleonic, pretty exciting :slight_smile: But they’ll still produce more WWII figures in the years to come :slight_smile:

Mate whats is your think did we should ,have 101st Airborne recruiting center topic on sitefeedback ,i think then we maybe have more members.

Thats a great idea Clauss but i think that finding a purpose for someone to join,should be our first priority.
This “team” thing doesn’t seem to move forward does it?

Yeah we should have some interesting here ,guys think we must do something and Tsolias mate i saw you dont have 101st Airborne in your signature ,i think you should have it its cool ,dont be upset this is only sugestion from friend . :wink:

I will post forever, Invincible sunk.


Anybody can aswer this???

  • The attack and the impact existed

  • England never recognized it.

  • There isn´t any registry of aerial activity from that aircraft carrier, from that date (may 30)…

  • Nobody knows where it was the Invincible from the 30 of May to July ends, which enter the disguised Illustrious like Invincible in Port Stanley.

  • Nobody can explain why the aircraft carrier do not touch land on June 14 (when the others ships, all the others including Hermes touched port Stanley or returned to England.

  • It is virtually impossible and irrational that the repairs have become to opened sea, with temperatures below cero and a few hours of light.

  • Nobody can´t explain why the second aircraft carrier entered disarmed, if it was the Illustrious it was operative from half-full of June (so may be the Ark Royal was there too)

  • Nobody can´t explain why HMS Illustrious (or Ark Royal??) returned immediately to UK (obviously to be finished and to be armed).

-Why the HMS Invincible that left to the Falklands had the black tower, and when it arrived in September it had it of gray color? repainted?? in the middle of the ocean, it was so cold there…

That´s Illustrious in Portsmouth after Malvinas, people think it´s Invincible but is not.

I will also post forever - Buenos Aires nuked (and my picture’s more convincing than yours:

Topic locked in 3…2…1…

I will ask all other users to not post in this thread! The guys are really pissed off :wink:


Please we are talking about Invincible here.

For Christ’s sake, you’ve had your pointless questions answered several times now troll. Please sod off.

Topic closed. At least till you’ll prove calm enough.

You can blocked posts and topics

but not the true


Hey child, if you want to play this stupid game, fine by me. I will lock also this thread. If you’ll open a new one you’ll be formal warned.


I can explain all you what´s up with the aircraft carrier.


I propose Arkantos to be banned for his rude posts.