World War related bickering


of course i know that.

and if you`re not in known,that old weapons sunk your ultimate generation cruisers.
so shut up the fuck

and if you`re not in known,that old weapons sunk your ultimate generation cruisers.
so shut up the fuck
shut up the fuck - should read - shut the fuck up!

and I think the point he is making is that, the Exocet is at this time 20 years out of date, and a bizarre weapon to have as a favourite! bearing in mind the advances that have been made since.

Secondly at the time you used these weapons they were a lot more advanced than the anti ship weaponry that we used.
The exocet was comparatively bang up to date, when compared to the WWII weaponry we used against the USS Pheonix.

he has not contradicted you merely found the WWII link in what would otherwise have been an inflammatory post.

so,we have better technology than united kingdom :lol: ,and your country sunk general belgrano (cowardly in exclution zone) with rocks and botles :lol: ,was a submarine of steam.

and that`s my favourite weapon,you must know it kicked your compatriot asses.

:lol: ,comparing your ultra researched weapons with our weapons is like comparing our forces with the hilarious uruguay armed forces :lol:

so,now we have better technology than united kingdom

The word "now "should be removed from your post, 20 years ago the weapon that you sank our ships with was superior to the weapon that we sank your ship with. At the present time I think you will find nearly all of your weapons are outdated and in poor repair - look at the argentine Military thread on this forum to see more peeling paint than a paint peelers paradisical peeling paint place.

I have never heard of a steam powered! submarine!

Who stated their was an exclusion zone in the first place, whose government created an exclusion zone around the Islands,
Buenos Aires didnt create it - it was our exclusion zone to be frank, and sorry if we lied and fired outside of it thereby breaking the rules, but you were being rather nasty and consequently not playing by the rules either as I recall you had been as petualnt as to invade land that wasnt yours.

(My bold type)

There was an armed conflict going on, not of British instigation I might add.

The Belgrano was outside the TEZ, (Total Exclusion Zone,) but that did not make it ‘safe.’ Nobody was in a playground at the time.

If people want to play Big Boys’ Games, they must understand that they are played according to Big Boys’ Rules.

If that upsets anyone then perhaps they should not try to compete.

I do believe that the use of the Red Cross symbol on ammo dumps tends to be frowned upon by the international community though…

Hear Hear!

Dont cry for them, Erwin Schatzer, that truth is they never liked you,
all through your wild days, your mad existence,
we killed your conscripts, with little resistance.
all in all I think we have nothing to say to you,
every source that you quote, every bone website,
none of it, is true.

I dont see the relevence of Exocet on this thread as it was I believe a French system, unless Erwin is hankering after flame war to have another topic locked ?.

Erwins favourite weapon is Exocet.
Tubbyboy said to be a fan of a 20 year old missile was a bit strange.
Then we got onto who sank whose ships, and we pointed out the USS Pheonix had been sunk by WWII technology.

after that it is anyones guess.

Erwin may just be being a cock!

He’s a llama alarmer

:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: ,a britie tango singer,funny :lol: ,do one with exocets,argentinian pow and mirages :wink:

the word now means,you say now that,or,now that changed.

steam submarines,it`s sarcasm,SARCASM!!. sarcasm,bluffcove-bluffcove,sarcasm.

and now the exclution zone was a war zone? oh irony,but if you`re the owner of the thruth ( :lol: )

we started war,you must investigate,no learn the doctrine of the naval merchants raising the flag (???).

to see more peeling paint than a paint peelers paradisical peeling paint place.

???,what do that means???,don`t understand.

Erwin is hankering after flame war to have another topic locked ?.

did you read this???=

ohhh! really saint,that`s another song of petshop boys :lol: or its the british tango (???)

that isn`t flaming post,no?.

well,ok,calm down and continue the topic.

we know,except for bluffcove,but now,he`s going to modify the history!!!,the bluffcove version of ww2!!!

This isnt WWII this is soldiering.

Something that the Argentine could learn about.
The American could admit to knowing nothign about.

I do not deny these acts of courage happened, but I deny they verify your claim that the M1 was an assault rifle.

but,it could be a non assault rifle,assuming the role of an assault rifle,no?

and now the exclution zone was a war zone? oh irony,but if you`re the owner of the thruth ( )

yes there was an exclusion zone
yes there was a war zone
yes there was a war,
you lost,
we said we wouldnt fire on ships outside this imaginary line WE drew in the ocean,
we changed our minds as your ship was evidently intending to return to the warzone and…
we wanted to win!
lifes a bitch hey

who lost millions of money,and who lost less than a half of it???.

for your country isn`t problem the casualties,it has lots of populations.
but my country with their extense territory will grow up faster.

you win one war,but no in all the aspects.

:lol: :lol:
without resentiments?

i didn`t take a position,just used my fav weapons page.