World War related bickering

:lol: :lol:
without resentiments?

i didn`t take a position,just used my fav weapons page.[/quote]

Its a good page, I think alot of us use it!
Lets put all that 1982 bollocks behind us!

(Erwin you arent only being nice becasue I promised you bottom sex are you? :frowning: )

:lol: :lol:
without resentiments?

i didn`t take a position,just used my fav weapons page.[/quote]

Its a good page, I think alot of us use it!
Lets put all that 1982 bollocks behind us!

(Erwin you arent only being nice becasue I promised you bottom sex are you? :frowning: )[/quote]
:lol: :lol: .

i never liked the conflicts,i just was here,and tried to join to this.

im waiting for my girl friend for the sex bottom now,sorry :lol:

does your girlfriend, let you tongue the hoop?

repeat with easier words,because i don`t understand.

(be explicative :roll: (with words))

pic from a game:

how many rounds this weapon can shoot according to the estructure?

Erwin can your game tell us what the effective range of that weapon is?

Does your game tell you whether that weapon will be more effective when a group fire it together, I mean, if you and your squad all fire at one man is it more effective and can it shoot further?

explain me that later,my english is very interested on that sure :wink:

[quote]Erwin Schätzer(argentina) wrote:
carbine is a light rifle,that i learnt with my escase knowledge about this rifle,anybody shoot a carbine?,that`s the only form to know

That is true Mr. Schätzer, it is a light rifle, and as such, it did not shoot pistol ammunition. Albiet a weak rifle, but effective at it’s maximum effective range, as are all weapons. It may not be effective at 600m, like a standard or sniper rifle, but it was a dandy little weapon.

clarify this!!!


We will get round to what “tonguing the hoop” means later,
What did the game teach you about the M1 Carbine

How far can it shoot?
does it shoot further if a group of you shoot them all at one man?

editted for clarity and typos

FRIONPAN cant you jsut list some more CMH’s and let the boy speak!

ask not for whom the bell tolls…

Can you tell me about this game, does hte game tell you anything about the weapon?

What is the game called?

game: day of defeat

it tells:

M1 Carbine
Operation: Semiautomatic
Caliber: .30 Carbine
Capacity: 15 round box magazine
Weight: 5 lbs
The most widespread American weapon of WWII was not a rifle, handgun, or even a submachinegun, but a combination of all three: the M1 Carbine. In 1938, the army requested a light weapon and by 1941, the M1 Carbine entered service, and by war’s end, nearly 6 million were produced.

Game Tips: The .30 Carbine round is not the same round used in other .30 caliber weapons – it is shorter, and much weaker. Most enemies will require several hits to be taken out.

Thankyou very Much Erwin.
Can you tell me anything about the Game "Call of Duty", and whether the M1 in that is a “good” weapon to use?


The M1 Carbine was designed to meet the needs of soldiers who needed to carry a lighter load (i.e. paratroopers, truck drivers, and other vehicle operators), and those who needed a weapon that could fill the gap between the heavier, bulkier, M1 Garand and their M1911A1 .45 sidearm pistol. The M1 was said to be much more effective at nearly any range except point-blank, which was better suited for the .45 pistol. The least favorite of features voiced by soldiers on the M1 was it’s lack of windage adjustment on the “leaf like” sight of the rifle. The weapon originally used selective fire methods, but after WWII, the newer M2 Carbines fired on automatic, with selective trigger groups removed. The M2 also had a larger, 30 round magazine as compared to the 15 round box magazine of the M1.

The M1 Garand was the weapon of choice for infantry. The M1 Carbine, half the weight and with a less powerful cartridge, was the weapon of choice for support troops, and others not primarily involved in infantry combat. It was designed to meet combat needs less demanding than the M1 Rifle, but more than can be met by the M1911A1 pistol. It was more convenient to use than the M1, and less intrusive to their other duties, while still much more effective than hand guns.

Originally, the M1 was to be capable of selective fire control, but this was dropped. Because a demand arose for an automatic capability, the M2 was developed, with a selective-fire switch added to the left side of the receiver, operating on the sear mechanism.

The US Carbine, Caliber .30in, M3, or T3, was simply an M2 with suitable mountings prepared on the receiver to take various models of infra-red night-sighting devices. No open or conventional sights were provided, and the IR carbine mounted an M3 flash hider, a simpler design than that for the M1C Garand. The M3 carbine, (its development title was T3), was produced in limited numbers as a semi-prototype. Only about 2100 were manufactured compared to 5,510,000 M1 carbines, 150,000 M1A1 carbines and 570,000 M2 carbines.

The M1 and M2 Carbines were also much more powerful than the Russian type burp guns used by the North Koreans and, later, the Chinese, having more than twice their muzzle energy.

In the infantry, the M2 Carbine was carried by Staff NCOs and officers. With its 30 round magazine, rapid fire and greater stopping power, it was an effective counter to the various submachine guns used by the Communists in the Korean War.

In intense cold, however, such as the Chosin battle, light weapons such as the carbine and air-cooled .30 calibre light machine guns malfunctioned much more often than the M1 and the water-cooled heavies, with anti-freeze in their jackets. The Marines used alcohol based hair tonic as anti-freeze lubricants for all light weapons, with good success, but the carbine components were small and fragile, and repeatedly malfunctioned.

The Carbine continued to be used in Viet Nam, until replaced by the M16.

Type : Rifle
Caliber : .30 Carbine (7.62x33mm)
Action : Gas operated semiautomatic
Lenght : 904 mm
Weight : 2.36 kg
Feeding : 15-round double stack box magazine
Loadout : 15 magazines

Thankyou very much for that Erwin, may I wish a pleasant evening with your Girlfirend and I hope you roger her most soundly until the early hours of tomorrow morning, you have just made my day!

parts of it seemed familiar though:

In intense cold, however, such as the Chosin battle, light weapons such as the carbine and air-cooled .30 calibre light machine guns malfunctioned much more often than the M1 and the water-cooled heavies, with anti-freeze in their jackets. The Marines used alcohol based hair tonic as anti-freeze lubricants for all light weapons, with good success, but the carbine components were small and fragile, and repeatedly malfunctioned.

Hey look at this IRONMAN the same quote that you gave us about Hair tonic turned up in the user manual for Call of Duty - but of course it was your Dad that was there that told us all of that wasnt it?

Do you want to tell the class something?

I think FRIONPAN is actually having a breakdown at present he has listed 15 CMH’s and still going.

Also we have discovered that his father - is a computer game manual.
and that Erwin Schatzers, girlfriend is up for anal sex.

all in all an interesting night!

yes,she`s always :twisted:

[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

yes,she`s always :twisted:[/quote]

Ironman now at 17 I believe,
Erwin, Re: your bird. good lad!

where did you find that quote Erwin, lord of cut and paste?

Inspite of Erwins 1982 stuff I’m warming to him. I’ve just cracked numbereight OFFS Tinman is still at it. Ewin, this girlfrined of yours has she a sister perchance, am willing to travel. Well off to bo bo’s I’ll read the rest of the citations later (not) Sleep and in sleep perchance to dream, to dream of an [/b]M1 used in an Assault situation or prehaps it is nobeler to sally forth unto botty sex with Ewins girlfiends sister(hopefully older sister) .