WWII Related Humor.

But you’re a troll posting inflammatory crap for the sake of it, which is by its very nature is the essence of idiocy…

If I may correct you, my dear Moderator who is elevated on a celestial plane far above us mere mortals (although following my recent promotion we now share the same rank although you remain senior by date of appointment :D), Herman the Second does not post inflammatory crap.

He has never called for firebombing anything.

He posts atomic crap.

And that has to be the most powerful crap on the planet. :smiley:

Don’t you forget it! :mad:

Or I’ll sick my Zimbabwean henchmen on you and gerry the voting!

(although following my recent promotion we now share the same rank although you remain senior by date of appointment :D), Herman the Second does not post inflammatory crap.

Ha! Congratulations on a well earned rank for your posting. Sincerely pleased you made it this far…

He has never called for firebombing anything.

He posts atomic crap.

And that has to be the most powerful crap on the planet. :smiley:

Yes yes. When both pdf27 and I are screaming about something, it has to be putrid…

Still, a part of me wants to either reform him into a viable and decent human being, or take the vocational avenue of paving over him and installing him in a useful career of parking lot speedbump. Take your pick…


Why don’t you take the middle way, and just nail him to the road and let him up only if he reforms? :smiley:

Hey dudes, down with promotion and PRing of Herman.
He obviously has not deserved such attention as you paid for him.
This is thread about humor, don’t spoil it.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that one. Nuclear weapons are very good indeed at setting fire to things, and could thus be described as “inflammatory”.

Originally Posted by Nickdfresh
"Ha! Congratulations on a well earned rank for your posting. Sincerely pleased you made it this far… "

…Gentlemen, Gentlemen, I too have been promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, in case you forgot to notice, thus I believe a congratulation is in order, for me also:)…May I strive to be rank of captain one day, but until then, thank you WW2 Forum for allowing me to achieve my newly distinguished rank of Sergeant.


On defying the odds and lasting on the board long enough to be promoted. :smiley:


Cut the name calling and associated crap. Let’s get back to the jokes.


We’re having fun, aren’t we? :smiley:

Well, i guess you can be called jokes bc everyone is loled right

Congratulations for posting on the EXECUTIVE VERSION of this forum…

You have chosen wisely, and we value your discerning taste in deciding to contribute the few extra phrases for a forum of real quality…

Everything on this forum has been designed to exacting standards, that you have, naturally, come to expect…
The photos are from the finest pixels of quality, and have been produced to fit EXACTLY into your system, with all the precision of finest Swiss craftsmanship…

The language has been quality graded, to give you, the finest in viewing pleasure. There is little or no offensive material, apart from four c#nts, one cl#toris, and a f#reskin…
And as they only appear in this congratulatory paragraph, you’re past them now…

You can relax, and enjoy this quality forum, secure in the knowledge that it was created for the lover of fine things, and the man of good taste…


Sorry…we can edit that out can’t we?..(Yeah…no problem…)

Hello all friends…
Administrator is astonished because I didn’t have a question…
I try to introduce a new thread but the system refuse it…
Is somebody can help me?

Who is the real aryan?
Who idolized a french general,have english mustache,and salute like a Italian.
British joke under the ww2

An American
An Aussie
And a British soldier
are on leave for 1 day from the battlefields and are real golf enthusiasts

They were waiting one morning for
a particularly slow group of golfers in front of them.
The Aussie fumed, ‘What’s with those blokes? We must have been
waiting for fifteen minutes!’

The American chimed in, ‘I don’t know, but I’ve never seen such
poor golf!’
The British guy said, ‘Here comes George the greens’ keeper. Let’s
have a word with him.’

‘Hello, George!’, said the British guy, ‘What’s wrong with that
group ahead of us? They’re rather slow, aren’t they?’

George the greens’ keeper replied, ‘Oh, yes. That’s a group of blind
Vets. They lost their sight fighting for our country , so we always let them play for free anytime.’

The group fell silent for a moment.

The Aussie said, ‘That’s so sad. I think I will say a special
prayer for them tonight.’
The British soldier said , ‘Good idea. I’m going to contact my
ophthalmologist colleague and see if there’s anything he can do for them.’

The American said, 'Why the f–k can’t they play at night?

LOL. good one! is it from wwii or did you make it?:D:D:D

A quick poem I heard read by George Carlin, although I don’t think he wrote it;

‘Hitler, has only got one ball’
‘Goering, has two but they are small’
‘Himmler, has something simmler (similar)’
‘But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all!’

Knock Knock

Whose There?

Da Bomb

Da bomb who?

Da Bomb is gonna blow down your door if you don’t open the fu**in door now!

not exactly wwii
knock knock
whos there?
the doctor
the doctor who?
yes. thats me!

ATT66592.jpgAtomic Bomb Joke:
…When it is the right time to use the F**** Word while driving your car~