WWII Related Humor.

“Stone deaf forever” to cite them! No, it’s not really that bad on an open air event. An inside gig would be much worse!

From “Ace of Spades”. My all-time Motörhead fave along with “Orgasmatron”

Right, it’s from “Sonne”. Snow White on crack was kind of an eyecatcher in this video. These Rammstein guys are some strange birds as well, they have to deal with Nazi allegations as well. Probably because of their martial music, lyrics and looks…and because the singer rolls the RRRRRRRRRRRR all the time like it was a Hitler speach. I am surely no fan but after all I am sure the allegations are crap.

I love anything with loud guitar and I wouldn’t say I was a fan but some of their stuff makes me laugh and I catch the odd phrase and word here and there which helps. I think to accuse them of Nazism because he rolls his R’s is a bit much. Wasn’t there something to do with Leni Reifenstahl as well. I’m sure it’s all crap anyway.

Right, I think I remember they used some Riefenthal outtakes in one of their videos. Same for me with the loud guitars, Paul. It’s especially the english bands I love: Black Sabbath (!!!), Iron Maiden, Led Zep, Deep Purple, Judas Priest, Motörhead, Queen…

I saw Iron Maiden at Donnington out of this world, also Whitesnake, Metallica, Meatloaf (not really metal, but fits the bill just). I am have a punk revival (I was there the first time) and love Green Day, Rancid and others. Also Marilyn Manson.

Soviet commissar to a group of Komsomols:
“Comrade Stalin is your father! And Russia is your mother!”

He goes to the first kid in the row.
“What do you want to become in life?”

Komsomol: “An orphan!”

Occupied France, 1943. A passenger train is fully loaded, and a German soldier, on leave, finds himself forced to share a compartment with a little old lady, a pretty French girl, and a burly French man. The train enters a long tunnel, and everything goes black. A loud kiss is heard, followed by a resounding blow of flesh hitting flesh. The train emerges from the tunnel, and the German is seen to be nursing a huge black eye.

“Ah,” the German thinks to himself, “that Frenchman is so lucky - he steals a kiss, and I get the blame!”

“Good for her!” thinks the little old lady. “We need more young people to stand up against these Germans!”

The pretty French girl is puzzled. “Why would the German try to kiss that little old lady?”

And the Frenchman thinks: “I am so clever! I kiss the back of my hand, punch the German, and no one even suspects me!”

That’s a good one. I’ve known it in a modern version with a german, a dutch, a young woman and a nun. The dutch is the goon in that version though…

You should take a look at the fatty in your avatar.

Man, at least I have one, and I said that in a joking manner… The States were ranked 9th as of Febuary 8th, 2007. Source

very very very true…yes they r

Well, Australia is 19th.

And besides, most people in just about every country could lose some weight. No country(except maybe countries like Andorra, Monaco, and The Vatican City because they are so small) is immune from overweight people. Still the previously stated three countries still have people who are over weight, I’m just guessing a lower percentage than the rest.

Some countries need to GAIN weight, like some of the starving Africans and there government won’t help, though its much better now.

I think in the countries ranking 1-7 being fat is an ideal of beauty or at least a mark of wealth.
BTW, Germany is only on 43, our economy hasn’t recovered still…

Okay, I keep getting "update messages, and come expecting to see some jokes! :o Cna we get the thread back on topic? :wink:

Go ahead and post some jokes, you’re the one who wants them! :slight_smile:

Heres something funny that the real Churchill stated:

Americans always try to do the right thing –
after they’ve tried everything else.

  I thought that was so funny!

Here’s how bizarre the war is that we’re in in Iraq, and we should have known this right from the get-go: When we first went into Iraq, Germany didn’t want to go. Germany. The Michael Jordan of war took a pass. - Jon Stewart

Sure, not WWII related directly, but Germany at war is in there… Somewhere…

The war has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage. (Emperor Hirohito, announcing Japan’s surrender after atom bombs destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki)

Bessie Braddock: “Sir, you are drunk.”
Churchill: “Madam, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober.”

Nancy Astor: “Sir, if you were my husband, I would give you poison.”
Churchill: “If I were your husband I would take it.”


[quote=Churchill;135123]Here’s how bizarre the war is that we’re in in Iraq, and we should have known this right from the get-go: When we first went into Iraq, Germany didn’t want to go. Germany. The Michael Jordan of war took a pass. - Jon Stewart]

Ha-ha! hadn’t heard that one!:lol:

You should take a look at the fatty in your avatar.

Churchill wasn’t overweight.

He was underheight!

Thanks, I think…:roll::smiley: