Your favorite drink?

Anybody tried mixing drinks together?

Do you mean in the glass, or in my stomach?

In either case, it’s a wah. 8)

According to the poll, well it depends the occasion don’t you think?

If I am on the last hours of light, near the coast with 90 or 95ºF, I think the best is a cold beer with some salty peanuts, to share with friends!

If I am on a formal party, for instance in a wedding, I would prefer a good red wine to drink with some barbacue to eat possibly.

If I am eating with a couple of friends, I would prefer a fresh coke or pepsi…


There are several serving/ex members of the British Armed Forces on here mate, I will guarantee now that everyone of them has had at least one ‘top shelf’ at some point, as well as every other stupid combination of drink that squaddies will try (my personal favourite was topping up a bottle of red wine with white wine, Stella (lager) and vodka and red bull on out welcome home party from Iraq).

I mean ever tried mixing drinks together, in a shaker, with several types of drinks.

And whats a wah?

Doing the top shelf would involve a shot of every availible alcaholic drink mixed together in one glass and downed in one and is a great tradition in the British military as is vomiting, If Marines or Paras are involved there would also be nakedness and frotage.

There would also be any number of bizzare drink combinations, my particular favorite was a leccy (electric) cabbage which consisted of a pint of snake bite ( half lager half cider ) topped up with a double blue Bols and a large dash of night nurse ( cold remedy). A supprisingly tasty and expensive mix not for the faint hearted, after which hi jinks would ensue.

I remember once being involved in a heated debate over etiquette within the Naffi, which should come first top shelf or dance of the flaming arseholes, I favored top shelf second but any views on the subject would be welcome.

A wah is the modern British Armys good lad.

I am in agreement with you, the top shelf should be the reward for completing the dance without second degree burns or burning the bar down.

The correct drink before commencing the dance should be a pint of Wifebeater, downed in 8 seconds or less.

Lightweight !

Lightweight ![/quote]

No, no, no Mr Cuts - the rules have been ammended. The Army is an equal opportunities employer and girls are also allowed to set fire to their own arses, therefore the drinking limit before it has been adapted to suit the female element. Clearly the male limit should still be around the 5 second mark (5.5 seconds for the over 30s) while females get the afformentioned 8 seconds. I believe JSP1664 (Drinking in the British Armed Forces, an Equal Opporunities Guide) covers all of these new EO rules.

OHH I see!!! 8)

Anyone tried this? mix some Pepsi with watermelons :lol: :lol: :lol: it taste good!

Slight flaw in your plan there – no alcohol!

Well I am only 14! :lol: so I gotta wait several LONG years!

You don’t drink? :shock:

I’d been drinking for a year when I was your age (looking 18 when you’re 13 always helps too though).

Hehehe in my town we can drink of we want,just be carefull if parents sow us :lol: :lol: i have 18 ,but i am start drink with my friends on weekends when iam have 16. :lol: :lol:

I’ve been drinking since I was 15, I never went out with the aim to get pissed(drunk), I also got into real ales not the naff stuff you get in super markets. If its from the wood its good! In my opinion the legal limits (for beer anyway) are way too high, it just encoruages under age people to drink masses of alcohol thinking its “cool” to get completely rat-arsed.

Nope but I drank beer in china, my mom said I could drink it in china!, I even saw one of my cousin whos 14 drank two glasses of wine!

PLT SGT BAKER dont be to hasty in wanting to drink it can be the road to ruin, if I had drank less and spent more time in class I wouldnt have to spend hours twiling around a pole in a lacey thong to earn a living.

If you hadn’t drank so much beer, you might have a chance of making a bit more money while you twirl round that pole.