Your favorite drink?

I love how innocent American kids are about drinking.

(Not having a go at you PSB, American kids just come across as so innocent when compared to British kids when it comes to drinking).

:lol:. Any ways I only drank Half a cup of beer! So technically I wasnt drunk. I just wanted to see what beer tasted like.

I love how innocent American kids are about drinking.

(Not having a go at you PSB, American kids just come across as so innocent when compared to British kids when it comes to drinking).[/quote]

Your not Joking BDL, I was mental at 14 with the swalley!

And me, I had to get a paper round at 14 to pay for my three litres of Special Red every weekend.

You should check out Bath, by day a city with historic baths by night a city with baths of sick. Shame Bath lacks good live music venues or I’d go out more often.

I love how innocent American kids are about drinking.

(Not having a go at you PSB, American kids just come across as so innocent when compared to British kids when it comes to drinking).[/quote]

That’s a problem the American society faces. Here’s my view on it:

Since the drink is held so far out of reach from teenagers, they want it much more, and will do nigh anything to get it. In order to be cool in America, you have to drink alcohol.

That’s not how it works at my house. I often get champagne on special occasions (i.e. birthdays, Christmas, New Years, etc…). It doesn’t stop at champagne either, as long as it isn’t a school night, I (and my 12 year old brother) can have a beer, tequila, rum or whatever. I’ve only been drunk once, and that was with permission ;).

It’s also the same in Mexico. Whenever we go to eat, the waiters always ask my mom if I’m old enough to have a drink, and she of course says yes (I never really drink much though, not an alcoholic :wink: ).

Does anyone find it odd that the age for buying alcohol is 21. While one could buy tabacco, buy guns and ammo, drive a car, fly an airplane, and enlist to fight (and possibley die) for one’s country at the age of 18, but yet you cannot legally buy a bottle of port for Christmas :\

I love how innocent American kids are about drinking.

(Not having a go at you PSB, American kids just come across as so innocent when compared to British kids when it comes to drinking).[/quote]

That’s a problem the American society faces. Here’s my view on it:

Since the drink is held so far out of reach from teenagers, they want it much more, and will do nigh anything to get it. In order to be cool in America, you have to drink alcohol.

That’s not how it works at my house. I often get champagne on special occasions (i.e. birthdays, Christmas, New Years, etc…). It doesn’t stop at champagne either, as long as it isn’t a school night, I (and my 12 year old brother) can have a beer, tequila, rum or whatever. I’ve only been drunk once, and that was with permission ;).

It’s also the same in Mexico. Whenever we go to eat, the waiters always ask my mom if I’m old enough to have a drink, and she of course says yes (I never really drink much though, not an alcoholic :wink: ).

Does anyone find it odd that the age for buying alcohol is 21. While one could buy tabacco, buy guns and ammo, drive a car, fly an airplane, and enlist to fight (and possibley die) for one’s country at the age of 18, but yet you cannot legally buy a bottle of port for Christmas :[/quote]

21 is just a mad age limit, in Britain its 18 and most places in Europe its 16 or younger.

Does seem crazy that you can do all those stuff at 18, and have to be 21 to drink.

I’ve never been a beer snob, if I wanted to argue the relitive merits of Wibbles crotch rot over scrutocks old deridgable I would have grown a straggly beard and become an art teacher. I would state a prefference to bottles over cans but as long as it is at least 5% I can live with cans.

I can understand that some people like to go out for a few drinks and some pleasant conversation, I totally understand and suppot their life style choice, I infact subscribe to that very ethos when drinking within the frame work of extended family or work related socialisation.

There are times however when it is entirly appropriate to ascribe to a more robust mind set, this would be when taking alcoholic refreshment with my father ( ex Bty Sgt Maj RA , close friends and especially ex oppo’s. On these occassions the goal wil be to get completly off my tit’s, talk shite and engage in unseamly behaviour and when particularly with the former peer group indulge in an alcohol related bezzering session.

I can understand SS Tigers point that the age limit in the UK is high in comparison to other European countries however you have to factor in the bad example set to the younger generation by people like me and possibly some other UK members on this site. Beer is a grown ups thing and we don’t want be surrounded by children( anyone under 21 excluding the goth hottie barmaid in the Swan who can surround me any time) after all we get enough of that at home.


BDL, does the new equal oportunities directive for UK Forces effect the officers mess games ie guess which way to hold the map while sipping down a dry sherry within 15 mins or the RAF’s flight officers 18 holes followed by the Pimms O’clock follies.

I must agree with Hanz Lutz, having purchased 6, 66cl bottles of Bavaria from a discount store ( Home and Bargin ) on my way home from work for the princely sum of £ 5. 94 I must concur that it is a most agreeable beer, I wish I had bought more as I am just finishing number 6 so on to my second point of the evening/morning.

PTL SGT BAKER you asked what a wha is ( or for us oldies a wha = a good lad ). A wah is the request of an obvious answer by verbal request in the hope of recieving the obvious answer. For instance, imagine it is at hight of the cold war and you are twixt posting from a place where you have been shot at by both sides on an almost daily basis in an on going secterian dispute and are due shortly to man the bastions of freedome against the red horde. Your CO ( though you disagree ) thinks that it would be a good idea to engage in some extra preperation ie, War games.

You are a member of the green army and have been issued with a green arm band ( arm bands cotton green) to denote your parcipitation and will be play fighting the red army. Your brand new ( fresh from the box ) 2nd Lt is giving the final briefing to the assembled mass of Geen Army which consits of half hour of blah blah red scalfes blah blah any questions?. An annonmus voice pipes up from the asembled throng

Voice, Sir what colour arm bands will the red army be wearing.

Shiney new 2nd Lt, er well er the red army will be wearing red arm bands.

Assembled throng( to a man), good lad!.

The term good lad has now been superceded by the newer idiom, wah!

I hope you now understand what a wha is though as I am currently off my tit’s you may need further clarification.

I believe it was decided that the current limits were gender fair because most officers drink like girls as it is.

Another tipple that I have recently discovered for those occasions when one has to pilot an automotive contrivance is Lingams Blond (sp?), a nice little Dutch number, brewed by Heineken group. It tastes like real beer, but is only 2%. Work out how many of those you would have to have over what time period to be over 0.8 blood alcohol!

Bad news, my fridge is broken! now my non-alcoholic drinks are warm! :cry:

I know only too well, as I went to school in Bath! However, as for live venues have you ever been to moles? I started drinking in pubs at age 14, although being over 6ft and built like a gorilla helped. Ah, the memories afyternoons in the rising sun in Bath, notorious for underage drinking, though i heard that they had a crackdown in Bath about underage drinking recently.

I enjoy a good can of coke, ice cold water, and of course a ice cold Labatt Blue.

I prefer beer - Tyskie, Zywiec or Zubr (all polish).
When I’m in pub sometimes its funny to mix it with “Wsciekly”(“Mad”) drink - cold vodka, raspberry juice and few drops of tabasco. Makes an awesome effect!

never had that sounds really interesting. There is a bar I was at in the Yukon when I went on vacation, they put an a persons toe in it, usually someone who lost their toe to frost bite.

I see!

I got some new receipes for you :slight_smile:

  1. “U-boot”.
    We need:
  • 1 glass of beer (0,5 l),
  • 0,25 ml glass of vodka.

Pour the glass with beer.
Then drop the glass with vodka inside the glass with beer.
When it gets to the bottom, it is ready to drink. :wink:
The effect is awesome. :wink:

  1. “Jeager-bomb”.
    We need:
  • 1 glass of beer (0,5 l) - filled with 2/3 with beer,
  • one energy drink (Red Bull or similiar),
  • 0,25 ml glass filled with jeagermeister.
    Pour the big glass with beer (max. 2/3) and then fill it with energy drink.
    Then drop inside the glass with 0,25 ml of jeagermeister.
    Now, just drink it!

I don’t feel responsible for all you do after getting few of these shots. :wink:

3majcie sie,
