Please anounce if you will be on Vacation

I have no objection.

Meantime I figure that I made a confusing post. When I posted

As for Walther and Cdo, it is possible to be not stepped down but retired?
I was thinking of stepping down as a rank. As a moderator seemed obvious.

Good point … maybe 1st Lt would be better.

Well I dont think they should be rewarded for non-modding by leaving their rank. Just seems wrong to me? I’m all for returning them to where they should be. Although if anyone would get reawrded it may be Cdo as at least he did some modding.

I still feel they should just go back to where they should be by posts count though.

Just my feelings though.

Well Walther and Cdo. Jord. Have been demoded and reduced in rank to 1st Lieutenant. Next I will PM SAM and see what the deal is.

How long are you willing to wait before removing them from their Moderation positions? :?

Did I miss something?

Tiger, check

Good stuff. Although Id still like to know why they get to be 1Lt. Erwin didnt get this priveledge when he was demoded.

Just a question, I’m not stirring here.

Did I miss something?[/quote]

Sorry :oops: I didn’t read quite carefully enough.

Well back when Erwin was a mod, we all kept our respective ranks except Chiefs and Admins. So I was a Sergeant Major back then, so was Erwin. The rank of captain didn’t exist for moderators.

Oh being meaning to post this but just forgot. I will be gone to Ireland from the 20th to the 4th. Im not sure if I will have internet acces where I am staying so ill just have to wait and see. So Just an FYI incase your wondering where I am.

I will be taking a break for anywhere from 2 days to a week to study for my winter exams :roll: Just figured I’d let you guys know so you dont think I went AWOL

Well just got back to Oslo but now im off to Hamburg from the 8th to the 16th. I will be poking my head in and out here to see whats up…and hopefully other things as well. :stuck_out_tongue: Anyhow ill talk to you guys soon.

Enjoy Hamburg, I always did!

Have fun in Deutschland :slight_smile:

Anyone heard from Dani lately?

:lol: :lol:
I am online Firefly, but I changed my tactics. :wink:

Much lesser posts than before from me.

Now seriously, it is about February spleen.

Yes I’m not posting as much lately either.


I’ve got serious issues with my PC. I will be able to post like before within max 10 days. Till then I’ll visit once/twice a day.